Fictions - Contemporary Drama

Out of Sight

Droit de regard

Alexandra, an energetic 30-something, is a much-appreciated professional coach. Alas, the glaucoma she suffers from causes her to lose her sight little by little. The shock is violent and the consequences are all the more serious as Alexandra is in divorce proceedings with Yann, the father of her 2 children. As the hearing before the judge approaches, will Alexandra succeed in convincing the justice that she can adapt and keep custody of her children despite her disability?

White lies


Bulle, a charming swiss town facing an industrial transformation. This picture-postcard landscape is home to the Aubert family, whose pleasant domestic life is destroyed by Alice’s illness at the age of just 35.

Watch your lip !

L'Été des lip

It's 1973, and the Lip watch-making factory in Besançon is experiencing hard times. The director has resigned and there is no more cash. The only person showing any interest in the company is a corporate raider.


Chaos technique

Like every other day, François Barat takes line 7 to work. But today a stranger stares at him from the other end of the train. The man finally approaches and calls out to François by name.

The Rival

La Rivale

For years, Judith has been waiting for Gabriel to retire. Finally, he decides to go for it, and they organise a party to celebrate. While they are dancing in front of their happy friends, Gabriel falls down struck by a heart attack. He quickly recovers but he starts behaving strangely.

The Man of my choice

L'Homme de mon choix

Antoine and Camille are a happy couple.After a lots of exams, they find out that Antoine is infertile. So Antoine has an idea : if the child can’t be his, he at least wants him to be Camille’s. He accepts her to conceive «naturally » with another man.

Fictions - Biopic


Olympe, une femme dans la Révolution

Paris, July 1793. Four years after the storming of the Bastille and the onset of the Revolution. The Reign of Terror is in full swing. Amidst this world of violence, one nearly unchanging constant remains: women have no rights.

Born at 17

Je suis né à 17 ans

Thierry was a beaten child. He built himself against the violence suffered and has every reason to be proud of the result. But childhood traumas are still present, generating anxiety and a perpetual lack of self-confidence. The announcement of the imminent death of the father guilty of the brutality, and with whom Thierry has broken off all relations, sounds the hour of reckoning.

The Diva of the High-Rises

Les Sandales blanches

It all begins in the early 60s, in a deprived neighbourhood just outside Paris inhabited by Algerian immigrants. Malika is 5, and her mum has just bought her a brand-new pair of sandals. They’re so white that the little girl can’t keep her eyes off them, and doesn’t see the reversing truck.


Albert Camus

Albert Camus, a life - Camus seen through women's eyes. From The Rebel to The First Man and The Fall, the last ten years of Albert Camus's turbulent life.


Varian Fry

Varian Fry, visas pour la liberté

This film recounts the incredible story of American journalist Varian Fry, sent to Marseille during World War II with a list of 200 artists, intellectuals, Jews, and anti-Nazis to extradite to the United States. He managed to help over 4,000 people.

Bambuck - Barnay

Bambuck - Barnay

Through the eyes of Aurélie Bambuck, their daughter, the exemplary career of Roger Bambuck, a native of Guadeloupe, Olympic champion and sole French record holder from the 100m sprint to political office; and Ghislaine Barnay, Martiniquaise who developed the discipline of high jump and then became a great trainer with several generations of athletes.

Speed Sisters

Une Pilote

Motor racing has been the dream of entire generations for decades. The motorsport audience is growing, with more and more women now becoming passionate about racing. There are still few female pilots, however. To launch a new dynamic, Margot Laffite, incarnation of Formula 1 on CANAL+, and herself a driver, has chosen to shine the spotlight on a 100% female crew (Tatiana Calderon, Sophia Floersch and Beitske Visser) engaged in the most legendary race in the world, the 24 Hours of Le Mans.

Women taking action

Quand elles passent à l'action

They are three, from different backgrounds and origins. They suffered great violence in their relationship. By dint of courage and willpower, they succeeded in extracting themselves from the influence of their spouse and saving their own lives.

Sébastien Tellier : Many Lives

Sébastien Tellier : Many Lives

From his first album composed in a maid’s room to his performance at Eurovision, Sébastien Tellier never ceased to surprise, divert, bother, all without getting lost along the way. The constantly renewed authenticity of his musical universe is still one of the strongest in today’s contemporary pop scene.

Festival, when my village fights back

Festival, quand mon village résiste

Every spring for 20 years Saint-Laurent-de-Cuves in Normandy has been hosting one of France biggest music festivals, bringing more than 70,000 people to this village of only 480 inhabitants. Years ago, when the small village, like many others in the French countryside, started to lose many of its inhabitants, a handful of them decided to create a musical event: the Papillons de Nuit (P2N) festival.

In the French

In the French

60' or 80'
In 1981, the directors of Roland Garros gave William Klein the chance to film the tournament. As a tennis fan, the photographer didn’t hesitate, and made The French, a legendary documentary which shone a dazzling light on the tennis world of the early 80s.

The Hummingbird Race

L'Odyssée du Colibri

Thomas Ruyant, the French skipper of the boat Souffle du Nord, sails away from the starting line of the Vendée Globe race, an around the world solo yacht race. He is cheered on by a crowd of supporters waving paper hummingbirds, like the symbol on the yacht’s sail.



SOLEY portrays the daily life of two young boxers between trainings, life in the slum, and soon the international competition where they will represent their country, Haiti.

Friends of the Jews

Amis des Juifs

On 7th June 1942, the day on which it became obligatory for Jews in France to wear the yellow star, non-Jewish French people begin to wear their own signs, or false stars, on the streets of French towns.

Et Dieu dans tout ça

Et Dieu dans tout ça

Pour croire, ils croyaient. Et puis, un jour, la vie a fait qu'ils se sont retrouvés en contradiction avec leur foi. La réalisatrice Philomène Esposito et Michel Schifres sont allés à la rencontre de ces catholiques chez lesquels le doute est un jour entré.

Turn your life into a dream

Fais de ta vie un rêve

17 years old Marie-Amélie wanted to become a fireman. But one day, she is the victim of a scooter accident and one of her legs has to be amputated. Her determination and courage will make her overcome this challenge and start training again to become a world class track and fields athlete.

Louisiana stories

James Lee Burke

For the past two decades, James Lee Burke has been one of the most outstanding crime fiction writers in the USA. He is the only winner of two Edgar Awards and he is considered as one of the best contemporary American authors.

It's not fair

C'est pas du jeu

What do our beloved kids get up to once we've left them at school? During lessons they discover the world with their teacher, but once the bell has rung for break, they recreate their own world through the games they play.


Fictions - Historical Drama


Olympe, une femme dans la Révolution

Paris, July 1793. Four years after the storming of the Bastille and the onset of the Revolution. The Reign of Terror is in full swing. Amidst this world of violence, one nearly unchanging constant remains: women have no rights.

Shadows of love

Les Amants de l'ombre

The story of a forbidden yet intense passion during the Liberation, between a young woman whose husband is a prisoner in Germany, and a black GI who arrives to help her father-in-law with the harvest.

Louis XI

Louis xI

Summer 1483, in Touraine. A horseman arrives at the castle where Louis XI resides. He reveals to the king the existence of a conspiracy: his ministers plan to assassinate him that same day, during the council. The old king then tries to thwart the plot...

Marie Octobre

Marie Octobre

Ten years after the liberation of Paris, 10 former Resistants, who were members of the same network, are invited by Marie-Hélène Dumoulin, known by her pseudonyme Marie-Octobre.



Love affairs, jealousies, intrigues, betrayals and secrets of state... all the elements of great drama are to be found in this historical thriller, the story of how the young and ambitious Marquis de Cinq-Mars seduces King Louis XIII and betrays his protector, Cardinal Richelieu, the most powerful man in the realm, for the love of a scheming duchess.

Myriam's Choice

Le Choix de Myriam

Au début des années soixante, Kader, bientôt rejoint par sa femme Myriam, fait partie de la première génération d’immigrés algériens. Très vite, le couple est pris, comme tant d’autres, entre le rêve de retourner au pays, et celui de prospérer sur une terre d’accueil, pas toujours très accueillante…

Marie and Madeleine

Marie et Madeleine

En 1944, Madame Berthe, patronne d’une maison close, doit fuir Lyon avec ses pensionnaires, car le frère de l’une d’elles fait partie de la résistance et a caché des munitions dans la cave de la maison. En Isère, victimes d’un accident de voiture, elles sont obligées de se faire héberger dans un couvent, où elles découvrent que la mère supérieure cache des juifs dans les caves...

L'Arche de Babel

Babel's Arch

Juin 1940. Trois chasseurs alpins français en guerre, trois communistes italiens en fuite, deux rabbins polonais et trois luxembourgeois perdus dans les tourmentes de la débâcle doivent cohabiter dans un fort d’altitude à la frontière franco-italienne.

The Brave Judge

La Révolte des innocents

France, 1911. Louise Perreau is struggling financially to raise her 10-year-old son Gaston. The prospect of a new job in Paris brings her the hope of a better life. She has to enrol her son at Les Vermiraux, where children are supposed to get a good education.

The Quiet Woman

La Femme Tranquille

January 1943. France is under occupation. Louise is 70, and in her bar everyone likes to forget about the war. The militiamen at the counter are customers like anyone else, and no one complains that her meals depend on black-market produce. Her serenity is disturbed, however, by a cry for help from an English airman who falls from the sky... just like an angel.

Mister Perrichon's journey

Le voyage de Monsieur Perrichon

1860. Mister Perrichon is the epitome of bourgeois respectability: a rich shopkeeper, vain and smug, brimming with social ambition but with morals that adapt to circumstances. He retires from business and, to mark the occasion, takes his  wife and daughter Henriette on a trip to Mont-Blanc.

Mr Paul

Monsieur Paul

The ghosts of World War Two return when Klaus Barbie, the Butcher of Lyon, is found in Argentina. Franck Jourdan, a special correspondent with a French political magazine, dives into this investigation with passion, determined to see Paul Touvier condemned for crimes against humanity.

Rose and the captain

Rose et le soldat

Martinique, 1942. Rose, a young teacher, is dismissed by the Vichy regime of Admiral Robert. Disgusted at her treatment, and starved by the British blockade, she wants to escape with the young dissidents.


Les Fusillés

1914. Louis is a 27-year-old reservist and patriot, as is his childhood friend and longtime rival Bastien, who sees the war, like everything else, as an opportunity.


La traque

The history of Franco-German Klarsfeld couple who devoted his life to tracking down Nazi war criminals and bring them in front of Justice.



At the beginning of the 20th century, in a France divided between Catholics and Republicans, Marie, a young Republican and believer teacher, is appointed at the head of the village public school.


Albert Camus

Albert Camus, a life - Camus seen through women's eyes. From The Rebel to The First Man and The Fall, the last ten years of Albert Camus's turbulent life.

The law of my country

La loi de mon pays

Algeria. Benjamin, Kateb and Antoine are three teenagers from three religious backgrounds who never should have met. But they share the same passion for football and the same disregard for the disapproving looks which their unusual friendship draws.

Blanche Maupas

Blanche Maupas

In 1914 Théophile Maupas, a countryside teacher, is called up. From the trenches he writes long letters to his wife Blanche, who is also a teacher. In early March 1915, she hears that Theo has been shot.

A child at war

Allons petits enfants

June 1914. In the small village where he lives, twelve-year-old Momo is his parents' pride and joy. War breaks out and his father Maurice is mobilised, leaving his wife and son to run the farm.


Vive la bombe !

Algeria. May 1st 1962. The war has been over for two months. But following secret agreements, de Gaulle continues to conduct nuclear tests in the Sahara desert.

Watch your lip !

L'Été des lip

It's 1973, and the Lip watch-making factory in Besançon is experiencing hard times. The director has resigned and there is no more cash. The only person showing any interest in the company is a corporate raider.

Fictions - Litterary Adaptation



While Emmanuel dines in the coolness of the wine cellar along with his employees, something terrible happens; whether a man-made or natural disaster, we will never know, but the world as we know it is destroyed. Protected in the cellar, these 5 people are, or so it would seem, the sole survivors.

My brother Yves

Mon frère Yves

The tale of a brotherly, stormy and passionate friendship between naval officer Julien Viaud, better known by his pen name Pierre Loti, and sailor Yves Kermadec, his substitute "brother" - two men with seemingly nothing in common.

Roxana's hands

Les mains de Roxana

Roxana Orlac, a famous violinist, loses the use of her hands in a terrible accident. Her career as a virtuoso seems to be over until Professor Christansen offers her a transplant of two new hands.


Albert Camus

Albert Camus, a life - Camus seen through women's eyes. From The Rebel to The First Man and The Fall, the last ten years of Albert Camus's turbulent life.

Series 52'

The black widow

Un soupçon

Who is Isabelle? A murderer or a housewife? That's what Captain Mathilde Delboscq, in charge of the investigation into Isabelle's husband's death, wants to understand... It's the beginning of an inquiry, and then a dive into the life of a woman with a unique destiny.

Fast Cash

L'Or noir

A criminal gang pulls off a major heist, getting away with gold bullions worth several million euros. Now they have to deal with the heat while waiting for the opportunity to shift such a huge score. Not as easy trick to pull off - especially when the owners of the gold, local mobsters and corrupted cops, are all on their trail, determined to recover the treasure. Boasting an edgy hip hop soundtrack, this whipslash-paced, razor-sharp tense series will leave you on the edge of your seat.

My Dead Loved Ones

Mes chers disparus

Marianne Elbert decides to sell her decrepit house, a property owned by the Elberts for five generations. However, despite the promise of a new beginning for everyone, settling the family inheritance tears at her heart. In front of the family tomb where they rest, Marianne, devastated, utters a futile plea for help to her ancestors. And then, as suddenly as it is unexpected, consequences unfold! The ghosts of her mother, Brigitte, a hippie biker advocating for living fast and enjoying without constraints, her grandmother Marie, a racist and bigoted seamstress emancipated by Coco Chanel, and her great-grandfather Alphonse, a broke twenty-year-old killed in 1917 by German bullets at the Chemin des Dames, find themselves in the middle of the living room, reluctantly pulled from their eternal rest!

Wara - Season 2

Wara - Saison 2

Moutari Wara shankes candidate Ganka Barry with information about the embezzlement of funds on a recycling center that was never built. But the unexpected return of his wife and daughter who had been taken hostage puts him in check against his opponent, who paid the ransom for their release.



The harshness of a thriller, the intensity and strength of a double saga between two families in the heart of West Africa, the bitterness of resentment, and the sweetness of a kiss.

Saving Lisa

Sauver Lisa

Rose Keller, 35, is a substitute primary-school teacher. On one assignment she encounters Lisa, 8, an especially endearing pupil. But Rose soon realises that Lisa is suffering abuse at home, and that her life could even be in danger if no action is taken.

White lies


Bulle, a charming swiss town facing an industrial transformation. This picture-postcard landscape is home to the Aubert family, whose pleasant domestic life is destroyed by Alice’s illness at the age of just 35.



Politically committed student Aïcha fires up the campus by urging her law professor Moutari to get back into politics. Together they want to change the world. « It always seems impossible until it’s done! » (Nelson Mandela)

Tahiti Spirit

Tahiti PK.0

Detective Cheyenne Tinihu teams up with police captain Félix Kleber to help him find his daughter, who has mysteriously disappeared on the island of Tahiti. During the investigation, Cheyenne discovers shamanic powers of her own, inherited from her supposedly dead father.

Suite noire

Suite noire

8 films, each the fruit of an encounter between a novelist and a filmmaker, creating a hard-boiled crime story in the B-movie tradition, exploring every nuance of genre cinema.



Every family business has a golden rule: compartmentalize. Xanadu isn’t any different. At the helm, Alex Valadine, the flamboyant patriarch…and the high priest of the French X-rated film industry.

Fictions - Comedy

The man who died

The man who died

6x45' + S2 in production'
Jaakko, a mushroom entrepreneur, finds out too late that he has been fatally slow-poisoned by persons unknown. He sets out to find the culprits before he dies.



6x30' + S2 in production'
A sharp-witted tale of an oddly familiar family. Black, Buddhist, White, Irish, or Muslim— people are people. We follow three young sisters living in Dublin, and their Irish/Egyptian dad who, after a tragic incident, finds himself having to raise his three daughters alone. That is until his irresponsible younger brother moves in to ‘help’ and never leaves. Meet the Amin family—the new fighting Irish.

The Test

A l'épreuve

Ambre, 20, is studying law, encouraged by her modest parents who dream of her becoming a lawyer. When an unexpected baby arrives, everything falls apart.

The New Kid

Le Nouveau

At a time when his marriage is on the rocks and his company is in danger of being taken over, Christophe Berthier suffers a stroke. He does everything to hide it, but he can no longer read or write...



Louise, an antique dealer in the city center, has been a widow for 20 years and has never moved on in life. This woman with graying hair and a retiree's appearance doesn't bother anyone. However, Louise is only 43 years old. The reason she tries to appear 70 is that she sees men's attention as a real danger.

Cheers to joy

A la joie

In March 2020, Véra, a lawyer from Montpellier, returned to Paris to visit her parents. The country was abuzz with rumors of a spreading virus and an impending lockdown. As the first measures were announced, Véra decided to stay in Paris and lied to her fiancé Mehdi, who was waiting for her in Montpellier. She found refuge in an apartment lent by a friend who had just left the capital. Amidst the anxiety of this unfamiliar situation and the relief of sudden solitude, Véra began to settle in. She crossed paths with Sam...

The beautiful Spark

La Belle Étincelle

While being caught in a controversy that has tarnished his image, Philippe Lamarck, a brilliant starred chef with a complicated character, pushes the door of the restaurant La Belle Étincelle to take control of the kitchen. What he doesn't know is that this restaurant is not like the others... Virginie, the manager, to enable Noé, her son with autism achieve his dream of becoming a cook, set up an inclusive restaurant, hiring only young people with cognitive disabilities.

Somebody to love

Le premier venu

Gina is about to marry Mathieu. She’s swimming in happiness, until one evening when, returning home, she discovers that all of Mathieu’s things disappeared... It's not a burglary, she’s been dumped. She is devastated. Her best friend advises her to sleep with the first comer, just to regain some self-esteem.

Trouble Mum

Mère indigne

Rachel, 40, celebrates her divorce in her own way: long, joyfully and very loudly; she has just obtained a comfortable pension, the apartment with a terrace and joint custody of her daughter, Rosa, 7 years old. But she quickly hits a wall when she discovers that her ex-husband, Yanis, is now dating her lawyer!

Louis 28

Louis 28

2021, in a France where the monarchy never has been abolished, Samia painfully raises her son, born of a failed relationship with an aristocrat 16 years earlier, and who’s going through his teenage crisis. When a plane crash takes the lives of the entire royal family, she receives an unexpected visit: her son is the heir to the throne of France.

Carpe Diem

Carpe Diem

An apocalyptic comedy without an apocalypse. The end of the world is announced. An asteroid will hit Earth in a few days. For humanity, the announcement of the end means the beginning of anarchy. For Akim, Julie and Kevin, three teenagers slightly lost and rejected by others, a race against time begins to achieve everything they 'have always wanted to do'. But against all odds, the asteroid only skims the earth. Then the world only wakes up with a terrible hangover...

I do

I do

Zoe, a French woman immigrating in Brooklyn, is desperately trying to find a husband so she can get a visa and work as a Cabaret Singer in New York.

The Good-time Girls

Les Michetonneuses

Three young women. Eden is of Lebanese origin, Maya is Gallic, and they are both gorgeous. Anissa, of African origin, is starting to put on some serious weight. Eden wants to get out of the “compensated dating” game, Maya is happy to carry on, and Anissa would like to do the same, but with her weight…

The Family Show

Le Family Show

The whole neighbourhood is in a fervour as two families, the Riouxs and the Cléments, take part in an important event on the same day. The Riouxs are a coming-together of France’s Auvergne region and Polynesia, while the Cléments are a mix of the Caribbean and Africa. And the two families share a family secret.



Amine, a brilliant professor at the University of Bordeaux, has been in bad terms with his father for years.

Les Fées du Logis

Les Fées du Logis

La déclaration d’impôts ou la lettre strictement personnelle qui traînent sur le bureau, les médicaments d’une armoire à pharmacie, une conversation téléphonique surprise par hasard, des draps changés trop souvent ou pas assez... Les femmes de ménage ont accès, souvent bien malgré elles, à tous ces indices qui révèlent plus de la vie de leurs clients que ces derniers ne le voudraient.

Welcome in Bouchon

Bienvenue à Bouchon

Bouchon est un trou perdu qu’on ne repère même pas sur une carte de France. Pour maintenir la commune en vie, le Maire subventionne ses administrés pour éviter leur fuite vers d’autres lieux et détourne, à cet effet, les subventions européennes. Un jour, le fax annonce la venue d’une commission bruxelloise… C’est le commencement de la fin, les fonctionnaires comprennent vite la supercherie, le bras de fer s’engage : Bouchon contre Bruxelles.

Such A Pretty Lie

Un Si joli mensonge

Un quadragénaire auteur de BD tombe amoureux d'une dermatologue. Rapidement, il lui fait part de son désir d'avoir un enfant. Sauf que Christine a menti sur son âge. Elle n'a pas 42 ans, comme elle lui a annoncé, mais 50, l'âge des bouleversements physiologiques chez une femme. Là voici empêtrée dans un mensonge dont elle se serait bien passée.

Raining Cats and Dogs

Temps de Chien !

Jean is the captain of a tourist boat on the Seine, a job that’s incompatible with his drunkenness. Divorced and unable to make ends meet, when he’s suspended from his job he fears he might lose custody of his children.

Golden Wedding

Noces d'Or

To celebrate Octave and Alix's golden wedding anniversary, friends and family are all invited to their large mansion for the weekend. But Alix has Alzheimer's and doesn’t even remember that she’s married. Worse, she shows up with her lover Farhad, a handsome Iranian who has the same condition.

The New World

Le Nouveau Monde

Lucie is 36, and after 5 years with the love of her life, she wants a child. Nothing unusual about that, except that “the love of her life” is named Marion...


Oh boy !

Niko, Berlinois presque trentenaire, éternel étudiant et rêveur incorrigible, s’apprête à vivre les vingt-quatre heures les plus tumultueuses de son existence.


La famille Zappon

Une parodie de la Télévision, servie par un casting impressionnant : les talk shows racoleurs, les nouvelles séries américaines « choc », les jeux où l’argent et l’humiliation se côtoient et bien sur les concepts de télé-réalité sont tournés en dérision.

The gospel according to Aimé

L'Evangile selon Aimé

Running away from the local Senegalese police, 30-year-old Aimé lands illegally in France. Without friends or a penny to his name, he has to rely on his natural wiliness to get by. Looking for somewhere to hide and a way to earn a little money, Aimé jumps at the opportunity to pass himself off as a priest.

The President's hat

Le chapeau de Mitterrand

It all begins one evening in November, when Daniel Mercier, a minor accountant persecuted by his boss, decides to treat himself to a "royal" seafood platter in a Parisian brasserie. And there, to his surprise, President François Mitterrand comes and sits next to him...

A Villa for two

Une Villa pour deux

After his father’s death, Daniel Tressard suggested to his mother, Marion, to come live with him for two weeks. A year has gone by and Marion is still at her son’s place where she feels just fine… But Sylvie, Daniel’s companion, cannot stand the situation any longer.

One Ferrari for two

Une Ferrari pour deux

On its route, André will takes a hitchhiker on board : Vincent Saulnier who is on its way to his daughter’s boarding school. Unemployed for three years, Vincent has hidden the situation from his daughter Olivia and his ex-wife, Edith. Dazzled by the Ferrari and eager to convince his daughter that everything is working out for him, Vincent asks André to exchange their roles.

The ideal couple

Un couple modèle

Roman and Thomas are both going through a divorce and meet each other while in court for their respective conciliation hearing. One day, Thomas just ring at Romain’s place, asking him to help out -just for the night. But the days and nights go by. As cohabitation is becoming increasingly tigh.

The two François

Les François

The meeting of two men with the same name: François. The young François is 21, just starting out on life, while François senior is retired, Two destinies, two solitary lives full of lies and regrets on a collision course of self-discovery.

Back to the roots

La Clef des champs

Fred Bonnemaison, a driven and self-centered Parisian food writer has to return to his home town, Lyon, when his mother, a lively octogenarian, runs away to join a community of free-thinking widows

A special family

Une famille pas comme les autres

Blandine, a lady from the posh part of town, is almost knocked over as she's jogging by a boy on his bike. And thus she gets to meet 10-year-old Michel-Ange, the son of a gay couple. They become firm friends. Michel-Ange finds in Blandine the grandmother he never had.

Lady in chief

Baptêmes du feu

Antoine Grand, a recent recruit to Lille’s fire brigade.However, these normally united tough guys find their world turned upside down when they are told their site has been chosen to test the feminization of the Fire Brigade.

A change of heart

Coup de coeur

Jean-Pierre is a brilliant surgeon.The problems of his nearest and dearest don't interest him! But when he discovers that he too has a serious heart disease which needs operating on, Jean-Pierre finds out what it is to be a patient.


Etat de manque

Elsa, Safia and Amandine all work for « La Providence Universelle ». One day, they decide to go for a break in a sea spa hotel. But they enventually realize that all their problems actually come from one man. That man who is making a fool of them works in the same company.

Super Lola

Super Lola

Lola Fazière is a young home nurse in a small town in the South of France. Her timidity and fear of heights disadvantage her in her daily life, yet, due to factors beyond her control, she finds herself becoming a sort of « Zorro of Provence » superheroine.

Tastes of the world

Les délices du monde

The eviction letter just brought about a general outcry among « Tastes of the world ». "Tastes of the world" is a french association aiming at gathering people by sharing cooking know-hows. Diminga, directs "Savour of the world". She suggests to counter-attack to get back to the association room.

Peter and Farid

Pierre et Farid

When you spend your life running a business, when you sacrifice entire weekends, how does your life looks like ? Pierre gave everything to his business. And he has lost everything when he got fired by the new shareholders. In Pierre’s life, everything is upside down.

Alice's kindness

La bonté d'Alice

Alice Dupré, takes on a job as a human resources assistant in a department store, it's more to please her father than herself. A combination of circumstances puts her in charge of human resources at the worst possible time, just as the store's owner decides to "streamline" operations …

Brother and sister

Frère et soeur

50-year-old lawyer Bruno Cellini is a lonely old bachelor. But his peace is suddenly disturbed when his ageing father, who dumped him 40 years ago to go and live in Polynesia, suddenly comes back into his life,

Lili David

Lili David

It's a magical job that consists of fulfilling people's every need and desire, like a modern-day fairy granting wishes, Lili David gives it her best shot



The Devilles are rich, but they become poor when Philippe, loses his job. The Riccis are poor, but they become rich thanks to Leslie, a dynamic young woman who starts up her own Internet business. The two families have nothing in common except for their honest and fair-minded banker, Frederick Merlin,

Big Jim

Big Jim

Alexander is looking for a job and for happyness... At the age of fourty, his life is not a success… until a notary announces him that his father died and that he inherits from a pork farm.

Just like home

Comme chez soi

A French family plans to swap homes with a Turkish family for the holidays. But at the last moment, the father learns he could be about to be made redundant. The two families have to live together .

My two darlings

Mes deux amours

Barbara has vanished in Corsica without a word. Hadrien sets off in search of the woman he loves. But he soon finds he is not the only person worried about Barbara's disappearance, when he meets Emmanuel, Barbara's "other lover".

The Heir


Following Virgile’s death, Numa, his faithful companion, requests the presence of John Spicher. Numa announces to him that he will not be able to acquire any land, nor any milk from Virgile’s properties, because, unbeknownst to everyone, Virgile has an heir.

When love starts with a lie

Tel épris

Antoine just lost an important position as an executive in a advertising agency. Catherine quit her job in a big publishing company. When they meet, because they both want to show off a little, they hide to each other their professional shortcomings and their money problems. The love story starts under a cloud of lies.

No more bets

Rien ne va plus

The Maurel de Ronchard family, including Gladys, their granddaughter and financial whiz-kid, are aristocrats on the wane. Although they own a beautiful domain with a castle, which still looks wonderful, they have no money left to look after it.

A family on the edge

Famille décomposée

Poor Leo Lubac was sure he had hit rock bottom. Set-up by his bosses to take the fall in an insider trading scandal, the innocent Leo returns from prison to find his life of privilege has disappeared into thin air.

Fictions - Romantic Comedy

The beautiful Spark

La Belle Étincelle

While being caught in a controversy that has tarnished his image, Philippe Lamarck, a brilliant starred chef with a complicated character, pushes the door of the restaurant La Belle Étincelle to take control of the kitchen. What he doesn't know is that this restaurant is not like the others... Virginie, the manager, to enable Noé, her son with autism achieve his dream of becoming a cook, set up an inclusive restaurant, hiring only young people with cognitive disabilities.

Somebody to love

Le premier venu

Gina is about to marry Mathieu. She’s swimming in happiness, until one evening when, returning home, she discovers that all of Mathieu’s things disappeared... It's not a burglary, she’s been dumped. She is devastated. Her best friend advises her to sleep with the first comer, just to regain some self-esteem.

Each to their own

Chacun chez soi

Pierre Bazeille is a writer. Seeking a quiet place to find inspiration, he sublets, Evelyne Droyer’s home, artist / sculptor in the Lot. But living together will not go peacefully…

Forbidden love

L'amour interdit

The moment they meet, Eve and Sebastien fall into a deep passion. Because they can not stand living their love in secret any longer, they decided to speak out and leave husband and wife. While Sebastien has already told his wife that he leaves her, Eve learns that Marc has a cancer and needs to go to hospital the next day for surgery.

Arranged marriage

Pas si simple

Nadia, an 18-year-old French girl from Moroccan origin, is now of age to get married. Despite her reluctance to marriage during the family summer vacation in Morocco, she finally chooses Samir.

So sorry


Both in their forties, Clémence and Phillippe are happily married when Clémence discovers that her husband is having an affair with a very young woman.

A change of heart

Coup de coeur

Jean-Pierre is a brilliant surgeon.The problems of his nearest and dearest don't interest him! But when he discovers that he too has a serious heart disease which needs operating on, Jean-Pierre finds out what it is to be a patient.


Etat de manque

Elsa, Safia and Amandine all work for « La Providence Universelle ». One day, they decide to go for a break in a sea spa hotel. But they enventually realize that all their problems actually come from one man. That man who is making a fool of them works in the same company.

Fictions - Drama

The man who died

The man who died

6x45' + S2 in production'
Jaakko, a mushroom entrepreneur, finds out too late that he has been fatally slow-poisoned by persons unknown. He sets out to find the culprits before he dies.



6x30' + S2 in production'
A sharp-witted tale of an oddly familiar family. Black, Buddhist, White, Irish, or Muslim— people are people. We follow three young sisters living in Dublin, and their Irish/Egyptian dad who, after a tragic incident, finds himself having to raise his three daughters alone. That is until his irresponsible younger brother moves in to ‘help’ and never leaves. Meet the Amin family—the new fighting Irish.

Essex County

Essex County

Based on the acclaimed graphic novel by Jeff Lemire, this powerful and imaginative story of loss and loneliness traces the interconnectes lives of two families in a rural community. As the characters weave the ties between them, this deeply human drama taps into a universal need highlighting the power of belonging.

The Paradise

The Paradise

8x60' + S3 in production (delivery July 2024)'
A senior criminal investigator from Oulu who travels to Spain to investigate the disappearance of a Finnish family which, in turn, leads to her extending her stay to help the local police in an ever- twisting and evolving brutal series of crimes.



Asma, Deka and Hibo could not be more different from each other: they come from different neighborhoods and would never have met without the High School.

The Sanctuary

Le Sanctuaire

Affected by the death of her mother two years earlier, 16-year-old Alice is expelled from high school and sent by her father, Joscelin, to live with his grandparents in the countryside. She falls in love with a calf, but realizes that the slaughterhouse is waiting for the young animal.

The Test

A l'épreuve

Ambre, 20, is studying law, encouraged by her modest parents who dream of her becoming a lawyer. When an unexpected baby arrives, everything falls apart.



Based on the testimony of Laurence Brunet-Jambu and Karine Jambu. One woman's fight to save her abused niece. In order to put an end to the ordeal of her niece ordeal, who was raped for years.

The Two of Them

Elles Deux

Two women in their fifties. Everything opposes them: their social status, their backgrounds, their ethnic origins. Despite their differences, they are going to join forces in the same intimate and visceral project: to obtain custody of their grandson, on his return from a Daesh prison camp.

Dancing forever

Fais danser la poussière

Raised by her Breton mother in an entirely white environment, Maya, a young biracial girl, sets out in search of the other half of her story. Despite a world without leniency, kindness, or generosity towards her, she manages to rise to the top of her art: dance. The greatest choreographer of the moment takes her into an even more ruthless jungle: New York.

The beautiful Spark

La Belle Étincelle

While being caught in a controversy that has tarnished his image, Philippe Lamarck, a brilliant starred chef with a complicated character, pushes the door of the restaurant La Belle Étincelle to take control of the kitchen. What he doesn't know is that this restaurant is not like the others... Virginie, the manager, to enable Noé, her son with autism achieve his dream of becoming a cook, set up an inclusive restaurant, hiring only young people with cognitive disabilities.

Wara - Season 2

Wara - Saison 2

Moutari Wara shankes candidate Ganka Barry with information about the embezzlement of funds on a recycling center that was never built. But the unexpected return of his wife and daughter who had been taken hostage puts him in check against his opponent, who paid the ransom for their release.

Out of Sight

Droit de regard

Alexandra, an energetic 30-something, is a much-appreciated professional coach. Alas, the glaucoma she suffers from causes her to lose her sight little by little. The shock is violent and the consequences are all the more serious as Alexandra is in divorce proceedings with Yann, the father of her 2 children. As the hearing before the judge approaches, will Alexandra succeed in convincing the justice that she can adapt and keep custody of her children despite her disability?

The Blissful

Les Enchantés

The dad is Thierry, he was born mentally retarded. The little one is Luce. Together, they form an indestructible block of love. Until the day when six-year-old Luce goes to school and becomes aware of her father's disability. Fearing that knowledge will drive them away forever, she decides not to learn anymore.

Born at 17

Je suis né à 17 ans

Thierry was a beaten child. He built himself against the violence suffered and has every reason to be proud of the result. But childhood traumas are still present, generating anxiety and a perpetual lack of self-confidence. The announcement of the imminent death of the father guilty of the brutality, and with whom Thierry has broken off all relations, sounds the hour of reckoning.

Bitter Paradise

Paradis Amers

Hugo reluctantly follows his parents following their transfer to Mayotte. The island is nothing like the vacation-brochure dream of the tropics. The only white kid on the island, and suddenly well-off compared to the relative poverty of the islanders, Hugo doesn't feel at home and rejects everything.

Thank god we have each other

Heureusement qu'on s'a

Vincent is 13, just entering his teens. He’s full of admiration for his father, who is unemployed and only really interested in football, claiming he’ll soon be hired as a professional trainer. On the other hand, he barely shows any interest in his wife, and even less in his children. Vincent, who shares his passion for football, thinks he has a special relationship with his father, and is very proud of this. Vincent's mother bears all the burden of taking care of the family, up to the day when she hits rock-bottom and tries to commit suicide, ending up in hospital with depression.



The life of longtime friends is turned upside down when one of them dies on the road after a drinking party, and his wife, now a widow, files a lawsuit against them.

L'Ami de Patagonie

The friend from Patagonia

Fred, Eddie et Mathieu ont passé leur enfance dans le même village du Cotentin. Adultes, leurs chemins ont bifurqué. Fred a repris l'hôtel de ses parents, Mathieu est resté à la ferme au côté de son père, quant à Eddie, il est devenu homme d'affaires en Patagonie.

Le coup du lapin


Samedi matin, dans une mairie de la banlieue parisienne. Toute la famille et les amis de Sophie et Jean sont réunis pour célébrer le mariage du couple. Mais à quelques minutes du début de la cérémonie, les principaux intéressés sont introuvables. Vingt-quatre heures plus tôt, les fiancés s'apprêtaient à enterrer leurs vies de célibataire?

Il court, il court, le furet

Run, run, ferret

Pierre et Marion sont mariés depuis trois ans. Il n'ont pas d'enfants, mais élèvent un facétieux furet du nom de Smack. Ils pensaient logiquement s'être dit oui pour la vie, pour le meilleur et pour le pire. Mais ce matin, ils ont rendez-vous avec le juge des affaires matrimoniales, pour une ultime tentative de conciliation avant de prononcer le divorce.



While Emmanuel dines in the coolness of the wine cellar along with his employees, something terrible happens; whether a man-made or natural disaster, we will never know, but the world as we know it is destroyed. Protected in the cellar, these 5 people are, or so it would seem, the sole survivors.



Séparés pendant dix-sept ans, ils éprouvent, l’un et l’autre, une profonde nostalgie pour cet amour malheureux... pendant la seconde guerre mondiale, le hasard va les réunir.

Confessions d'un menteur

Confessions of a liar

Un écrivain à succès, en panne d'inspiration et infidèle, est mis à la porte par son épouse, rédactrice en chef d'un mensuel people. Voulant la reconquérir à tout prix, l'homme imagine un stratagème qui va lui fournir la matière d'un nouveau livre : il va se déguiser et intégrer la rédaction de sa femme.

All the way


Solange lives in Clèves, a small village in Haute-Savoie. In the summer of her 15th year, she discovers the pleasure she can get from her body, and the new power it gives her over boys. What a revelation!



Two brave women, polar opposites, who form an unexpected duo. They have to learn how to overcome what separates them and share their secrets in order to protect the dispensary and the kids from the region’s dangers and a threat which is out of their league.

The Playground

La Cour

New student Anya (10 years old), arriving in the middle of the school year, disturbs the daily life of her fifth-grade class. After being hit in the head by a football, Anya realises that the playground is designed to favor boys, with girls relegated to the sides.

The Sleeping Beauty

La Belle Endormie

Il était une fois…Dans un Château quelque part dans un temps lointain. La fée Carabosse coupe le cordon ombilical d’un nouveau-né, une petite fille prénommée Anastasia. Trois jeunes fées écervelées surgissent, les joues rouges d’avoir couru…

Online Justice

Jugé sans Justice

A father is arrested for murder and a kidnapping attempt in a case three years old. Through the police station’s one-way mirror, 16-year-old Claire is sure she recognises Gustavo as the man who tried to kidnap her and killed her father while fleeing.

Saving Lisa

Sauver Lisa

Rose Keller, 35, is a substitute primary-school teacher. On one assignment she encounters Lisa, 8, an especially endearing pupil. But Rose soon realises that Lisa is suffering abuse at home, and that her life could even be in danger if no action is taken.


Basse saison

La Grande Motte, in the winter. A couple of 50-somethings on the verge of splitting up have to tempt fate to save their relationship and foil the mocking hand of fate which puts them on the trail of a bag full of money.

Owning It

Les Héritières

Sanou, a bright 15-year-old, starts at the famous Henri IV high school in Paris. In this prestigious institution, the young girl from the Saint-Denis outer suburbs finds herself dropped into a world a million miles from everything she knows.

The Diva of the High-Rises

Les Sandales blanches

It all begins in the early 60s, in a deprived neighbourhood just outside Paris inhabited by Algerian immigrants. Malika is 5, and her mum has just bought her a brand-new pair of sandals. They’re so white that the little girl can’t keep her eyes off them, and doesn’t see the reversing truck.



An apparently well-rounded woman hides a secret wound: her daughter Hortense was taken from her as she was only 3.



“I don’t own you, you don’t own me.” In theory everyone agrees, but reality is a bit more complicated. Four people form three couples. Two of the couples are lovers. Emma is with Léo, and Esther is with Waël. The third couple is a professional one, made up of Léo and Waël, who work together writing comic books. They spend more time with each other than they do with their girlfriends, but still love Emma and Esther. When Emma decides to explore new aspects of her bisexuality without Léo (but not without telling him), the love and friendship-balance of their group is shaken, as is Emma’s relationship with Léo.

Lucas is gone

Pour te retrouver

11-year-old Lucas vanishes one morning from his home. His disappearance throws his parents Marion and Alexis, who recently split up, into unbearable anguish, for their son is absolutely not prepared to face the outside world, being autistic and particularly fragile.



Politically committed student Aïcha fires up the campus by urging her law professor Moutari to get back into politics. Together they want to change the world. « It always seems impossible until it’s done! » (Nelson Mandela)

The Devil Inside

Le Diable au Coeur

Catherine Borowiak, 50 years old, is the head of a conditional release agency. Being in charge of 20 years old Hugo's case, recently released from jail on parole, she starts a relationship with him, a highly risky one.

The Silver Forest

La Forêt D'Argent

Roxana is a young Romanian nanny looking after 8-year-old Georges, the son of David and Elizabeth. David is a financier at the European Bank of Strasbourg. Working on a project for a motorway across Romania, David asks Roxana for some help.

Hungry For Love

Connexion Intime

In her new school, 15-year-old Chloé soon becomes a close friend of charismatic free spirit Luna. She also falls in love with Luna’s ex-boyfriend Félix, a bad boy with a poisonous charm who’s also a porn addict.

A New Life

Une Vie Après

Marion has fallen out of love with her husband. She decides to stop lying to herself, leave him, and live to the full rather than remain stuck in the reassuring routine of family life.

My Son

Au Nom du Fils

Following his mother’s death, Etienne goes travelling in Colombia. All of a sudden, his father Michel stops hearing from him. Michel is a steelworker in the Brest dockyards who has never travelled and speaks no foreign languages, yet decides to go looking for his son.

The Age of the Stateless

Le Temps des Egares

Sira, a former refugee, works as a translator for OFPRA (the French Office for the Protection of Stateless Persons and Migrants). She unscrupulously fleeces her clients, selling them fictions she creates to convince the authorities.



Two moments of Jonas’s life intertwine, each reflecting the other: in 1995, when he was a secretive teenager, and 18 years later, as an attractive and impulsive thirty-something looking for balance in his life.



After 20 years away, Isabelle, a former climbing champion, returns to her village in the Alps for the funeral of her mountain-guide father.



Robin, 23 years old, lives with his aunt in south of France. To make a living he babysits Victor, 11 years old. When he’s not working, Robin trains for his passion: Parkour.



Salif, a young Mauritanian of 18, is sent to Paris by his parents to find his older brother, whom they no longer hear from.

Fictions - Humour

Series 90'

Murder in Les Saintes

Le Fantôme des Saintes

The heavenly archipelago of Les Saintes. The body of Caroline Boissaux, owner of the Hotel Torment d'Amour, is found at the bottom of a cliff. Like the legend of Caroline: a saintoise in love with the Chevalier de Fréminville who, out of amorous spite, threw herself from the same cliff 200 years earlier. Captain Gaëlle Boissaux's investigation takes a personal turn when her childhood sweetheart, Ludovic Augustin, is sent to the island to support her. And the investigators are not at the end of their surprises: in addition to a romantic investigation that resonates with their past history, they must apprehend a ghost who is terrorizing the population! Some say it would be the ghost of Caroline...



Louise, an antique dealer in the city center, has been a widow for 20 years and has never moved on in life. This woman with graying hair and a retiree's appearance doesn't bother anyone. However, Louise is only 43 years old. The reason she tries to appear 70 is that she sees men's attention as a real danger.

Black as the Snow 2

Noir comme Neige 2

When an SUV used for a robbery in Switzerland is discovered crushed at the bottom of a cliff in the French mountains, Officer Constance Vivier of the PGHM must once again team up with Captain Meyer of the Swiss police to find the 3 robbers on the run and their loot. But the discovery of the corpse of one of them suggests that someone else is trying to get a hold on this treasure lost in the peaks. Captain Meyer leads the investigation while trying to keep a link with his daughter Violette in rebellion against him.

The killer's daughter

La fille de l'assassin

Everyone’s in shock when esteemed doctor Pierre is found to have killed his wife. 15 years later, released on parole and determined to find the culprit, he is rejected by his sons and only finds support with his daughter, Nina, who alone is convinced of his innocence. To help her father, Nina must face a painful past. But as the secrets unfold one by one, death strikes again...

Murders on the Côte Sauvage

Les Mystères de la marée

For several days bales of cocaine have been washing up on beaches. One morning, the body of Lucas Lagne is found. Sarah, captain of the gendarmerie, is in charge of the investigation and will have to team up with Ben, sent by the narcotics squad. The investigators will carry out the investigation which will show that keeping secrets about the birth of children is not free of consequences...

Murders on Lérins Islands

Meurtres sur les Îles du Lérins

On Lérins Islands, Christophe Beaumont, a film producer, is found dead on the set of the film adapted from the legend of the Iron Mask. In charge of the investigation, Laure Castaldi is surprised to find her sister Manon at the crime scene. The latter has just been transferred under her orders to the Cannes brigade. They haven't seen each other since Laure didn't come to their mother's funeral. Their investigation into the producer's crime revealed suspects who seem to echo the legend of the Iron Mask and the various identities assigned to him.

Murder in Vendée

Le Paquebot

While investigating the murder of a journalist, Léa and Greg look into the secrets of the Africa, a true "French Titanic" which was shipwrecked in 1920 off the coast of Les Sables d'Olonne. On board this steamer which rallied the various colonial ports were many Senegalese skirmishers returning home after the First World War. Had the journalist figured out the theft of the liner's legendary treasure? Does the 47 meters deep wreck have new secrets to reveal?

Murder in Font Romeu

Meurtre à Font Romeu

The small town of Font Romeu is in shock when Father-Baptiste is found murdered and mutilated near the training center. Lieutenant Thomas Errelbaz, in charge of the investigation teams up with Julie Delpech, freshly arrived from Paris. The investigation leads them to take an interest in the sports center : suspicions of sexual assault, a fountain legendary for its power of fertility, but also suspicions of human trafficking,....

Murder in the Finistère

Les Secrets du Finistère

Back in her home Brittany, Morgane Ledantec, Captain of Gendarmerie, is confronted with the discovery of human bones after the fall of a sacred oak during a storm. The victim was a follower of druidism which Morgane was introduced to as a teenager by her godmother, the troubling Katell.

Murders in Dinard

Lame de fond

The seaside resort of Dinard rolls out its red carpet for its British film festival when we discover the body of a young English director floating between two waters. The man did not drown, he was killed...

Murders in Guadeloupe

Meurtres en Guadeloupe

When Christian Rivière, a renowned industrialist (from one of the most powerful white families on the island) is found murdered, Jean-Baptiste Lonteau, a retired white cop and reservist, returns to service and leads the investigation with Lieutenant Télumée Magloire (45), who just got back in Guadeloupe. A second corpse is found at the top of La Soufrière: Marie-Agnès Dragouvin, Indian, manager of a holistic center. Her inert, naked body is covered with cane fibres. Jean-Baptiste is in shock, this victim is none other than his best friend.

Murders in Béarn

Meurtres en Béarn

At the foot of the majestic mountains of Béarn, the wife of a notable is found drowned under the Sauveterre Legend bridge. Cheeky Jeanne, captain of the Oloron research brigade, as to team up with Hélène, an elegant upperclass. Once very good friends, the two fifty-somethings hate each other. And for good reason: they are the respective mothers, and very partisan, of a young couple who are divorcing.

Murders in Pont-Aven

Meurtres à Pont-Aven

The investigation into the murder of the young gallery owner, Eric Sinclair, allows police captain Marion Darosa and her father, medical examiner Sébastien Darosa, to unwittingly solve the mystery surrounding the death of Marion's mother seventeen years ago, in 2004.

Simon Coleman

Simon Coleman

3x90' + 6x52' OR 12x52'
Simon Coleman is a Parisian cop, specialist in infiltration missions, who favored a life without attachments; no lasting relationships, let alone children. Until that morning, when he learns that his sister died in an accident along with her husband, leaving behind their three orphaned children.

Murder in Charente

Les Mystères de la Duchesse

Cyril is doing his Taï-Chi in a corner of the Domaine du Manoir park. A golf club slams into the back of Cyril's neck, killing him with a dead blow. The investigation is entrusted to Maud Arthuis, who is more than 8 months pregnant but widowed, the future father of the child she is carrying, died of a stroke early in her pregnancy.

Murder in Ramatuelle

Crime à Ramatuelle

Sébastien Lacassagne, 35, owner of a wine estate and a private beach in Ramatuelle, was assassinated with a statuette in his house. The investigation conducted by Deputy Prosecutor Elisabeth Richard and Captain Caroline Martinez reveals many gray areas in the victim's life

Burning Crimes

La Promesse du feu

The first big fire of the season is devastating the scrublands. In the middle of the inferno, a burnt corpse is found in the steaming remainings of an ATV. Other ones will follow, forcing Guillaum, cop, and Damien, gendarme, brother in life and enemy brothers on the field, to collaborate and follow the tracks of Tiffany, a famous young photographer obsessed with fire. Unless they have to investigate on Târiq Amraoui, a Canadair pilot with a mysterious past.

Murder in Sainte Baume

De Miel et de sang

After 20 years of absence, Captain Fred Carel returns to the small town of Provence where grow up. With Sara, his former high school friend who became a lieutenant in the local gendarmerie, he must investigate Antoine's death. Bernier, killed by dozens of bee stings to which he was allergic. It might just be a sad accident in this beekeeping region, but several suspicious elements call out to Fred and Sara. All converge on Chloé, Anaïs and Géraldine Portal, three generations of women from an eminent family in the region.

Black as the Snow

Noir comme Neige

It’s peak season at Morzine-Avoriaz ski resort. High mountain state police officer Constance Vivier, a purposeful and bordeline woman, and Swiss cop Andreas Meyer, fumbling and cerebral, investigate the suspect death of a teenager, found freezing on a slope after an alcohol coma.

Murder in Angoulême

Le prix de la trahison

Captain Marie Jourdan invites her friend Commandant Paul Danceny and his father to celebrate her 30th anniversary at the restaurant her husband Pierre just opened. The party is brutally interrupted when agents come to arrest their son Marc, a husband and father of 2, for the murder of his mistress.

Murder in Biot

Crime à Biot

Marie Lemaire is poisoned with fentanyl at a dinner for an association of tradespeople. Her business was the largest glassmaking firm in town, inherited from her recently deceased husband, François.

Murder in the Frioul Islands

Meurtre sur les Iles du Frioul

A famous editor from Marseille, Adrien Grenna, hosts a cultural event about Alexandre Dumas on the Frioul islands, with a theatre play play based on “The Count of Monte-Cristo” as the highlight of the day. In the middle of the show, the body of the editor is found on stage!

Crime is her game

Le crime lui va si bien

On the one hand there’s country-girl Gaby, both a cop and a farmer, with a feisty character and methods all her own. On the other there’s city-girl Céline, as upright, respectful of the rules and formal as Gaby is borderline, messy and unpolished.

Murder in Biarritz

Maddy Etcheban

Maddy Etcheban is a cop in Bayonne, but more than anything else she’s the mother of autistic Clément, whom she’s been taking care of single-handedly since the death of her husband.



The only son of a great surgeon, Damien almost followed in his father’s footsteps before becoming a lawyer. Elected to parliament, he’s on the verge of a successful political career before being devastated by the loss of his daughter Anaïs.

Murders in Corrèze

Meurtres en Corrèze

The historic procession of Saint-Jean in the city of Tulle is disrupted by dead bodies. Gendarmes Axel and Lena, who used to be a couple, will have to cooperate to find who is responsible for the murders.

Murder in Herault

Crime dans l'Hérault

The boss of a fashionable Cap d’Agde nightclub is found murdered in her own office. Deputy public prosecutor Elisabeth Richard and gendarme captain Charles Jouanic get back together to investigate what looks like a crime with an obvious motive, since the safe has been emptied of its money.

Murder in Arcachon


Christophe Perrin, a renowned oyster farmer in Arcachon Bay, is the victim of a murder attempt. His three daughters rush to his bedside, where he lies wounded and unable to manage L’Héritage, the family oyster farm.

Murder in Provence

Le Prix de la Loyauté

Captain Marie Jourdan of the Lyon Police answers an emergency call to help her friend, Captain Paul Danceny. He is in jail, accused of murdering his mistress, who was the wife of a charismatic and manipulative plastic surgeon.

Murder in the Vercors

Le Pont des Oubliés

In the pastures of the Vercors, at the heart of the French Alps, a shepherd has been murdered. The whole village suspects the former schoolteacher, because the herdsman ruined her career a few years previously, when he found out that she was dating his 17-year-old nephew. The young man now returns to the village and the tension increases.

Murders in Rochefort

Les Mystères du Bois Galant

Police captain Emma Thélier is on holiday at her mother’s in the Charente-Maritime region when, while jogging in the forest, she discovers a man’s corpse. Because of her knowledge of the area and the initial findings, Emma is put in charge of the investigation. But she has to work with the gendarme captain Adrien Klévec, recently transferred here and with whom she spent the previous night. They weren’t supposed to meet again but now they are embarrassed at having to work together.

Murders in Lorraine

Meurtres en Lorraine

When a corpse clutching a crystal chess piece is found in the old fortress of Bitche, in the Lorraine region, police lieutenant Nicolas Muller is sent to investigate. He is accompanied by a young female intern and soon discovers, during this complex investigation, that he is actually related to her.

Murders in Lille

Meurtres à Lille

Roubaix is host city to an exhibition of the work of Victor Maurin, one of the most famous sculptors of nearby Lille. A few hours prior to the launch of the event, one of the sculptures starts to bleed... The artist’s corpse is found inside.

Murder in Luberon

Crime dans le Luberon

In central Provence, during a hunt, 40 year-old hunter Pascal Achard is murdered. The deputy public prosecutor Elisabeth Richard investigates for the first time with gendarme captain Charles Jouanic, accompanied by his deputy Caroline Martinez.

Marion's Law

La Loi de Marion

For 20 years Marion had a complicated relationship with the lawyer Olivier Queyras, who was not only her mentor, but also her husband and boss. But now she's finally found the courage to leave him and open her own practice. So, recalling unpleasant memories of her own relationship, she naturally advises Karine, one of her clients, to leave her abusive husband.

The Coroner

Alexandra Ehle

Alexandra Ehle is a coroner at the Bordeaux forensic institute. Fanciful and free-thinking, she devotes herself completely to what she considers her mission: restoring to the dead their dignity and human appearence, and giving them justice.

Murder in Maussane

Crime dans les Alpilles

Maussane, at the very heart of the French region of Provence, with its olive trees and its charming squares. Deputy prosecutor Elisabeth Richard and local police commander Paul Jansac are investigating the murder of Caroline Autiero, wife of an old mill-owner.

Angel of fire

Ange de feu

No one saw Françoise's suicide coming. She jumped out of her Parisian apartment after receiving a death notice, which she immediately burnt.

Simon's Law

La loi de Simon

Simon Varlet is a brilliant and cynical lawyer, more sensitive to the amount of his fees than to the interest of the justice or the respect of the business ethics.

Murder in Collioure

Meurtres à Collioure

The body of a dead woman is found in a barrel hurtling down a hill in the middle of the night. The prime suspect is the husband, a violent and jealous painter from Collioure, for whom the victim was both model and muse.



« Vertigo » is a collection of 24 TV Movie of 90’ each. The heroines of these movies are always beautiful and innocent womens who often find thereselves in danger, with drama passion, manipulations and a lots of wrong tracks and new turns.

Fictions - Crime/Thriller

Error margin

Marge d'erreur

Rebecca, a brilliant lawyer, manages to get Kevin Gossens acquitted, who was accused of murdering a woman after cutting off her finger on which she wore a valuable ring. To celebrate the event, he invites Rebecca to lunch. She is disturbed by her client's ambiguous speech... The next day, horrified, she discovers in her handbag a package with a severed finger wearing a ring, accompanied by a thank-you note from Kevin.

The man who died

The man who died

6x45' + S2 in production'
Jaakko, a mushroom entrepreneur, finds out too late that he has been fatally slow-poisoned by persons unknown. He sets out to find the culprits before he dies.

The Paradise

The Paradise

8x60' + S3 in production (delivery July 2024)'
A senior criminal investigator from Oulu who travels to Spain to investigate the disappearance of a Finnish family which, in turn, leads to her extending her stay to help the local police in an ever- twisting and evolving brutal series of crimes.



6x52' + S2 in production'
An electromagnetic pulse bomb turns a secure building into a psychotic battlefield trapping an international group of young game creators. They will now need to use the survival skills honed while creating their ‘Pulse’ game if they are going to escape the imploding and now crumbling building whose other occupants are becoming dangerously and murderously psychotic.

Murder in St Martin

Meurtre à St Martin

Following the discovery of a murdered man on the small deserted island of Tintamarre off the coast of Saint-Martin, Captain Tom Firmain is forced to work with Inspector Merlene Van de Voort of the Dutch police, with whom he has an old feud.

Murder in Guilvinec

Le Chant des Sirènes

The second installment of Secrets du Finistère, featuring the characters of Morgane Le Dantec and Commandant Jérémy Laubier. Following the discovery of the lifeless body of a woman bearing an uncanny resemblance to a mermaid, Commandant Jérémy Laubier calls on Morgane Le Dantec to help him with his investigation.

The perfect Father

Un Père Idéal

Michel is an ordinary father who raises his daughter alone. Brave and hardworking, he is one of the village's indispensable figures, running the only shop in the area. To everyone, Michel is a wonderful guy.


la Fulgurée

Lucie and her husband Samuel Carrera are celebrating their wedding at the Inn of "Lac de Guéry" in the French mountains of Auvergne when lightning strikes them and five others.

The black widow

Un soupçon

Who is Isabelle? A murderer or a housewife? That's what Captain Mathilde Delboscq, in charge of the investigation into Isabelle's husband's death, wants to understand... It's the beginning of an inquiry, and then a dive into the life of a woman with a unique destiny.

Murder in Les Saintes

Le Fantôme des Saintes

The heavenly archipelago of Les Saintes. The body of Caroline Boissaux, owner of the Hotel Torment d'Amour, is found at the bottom of a cliff. Like the legend of Caroline: a saintoise in love with the Chevalier de Fréminville who, out of amorous spite, threw herself from the same cliff 200 years earlier. Captain Gaëlle Boissaux's investigation takes a personal turn when her childhood sweetheart, Ludovic Augustin, is sent to the island to support her. And the investigators are not at the end of their surprises: in addition to a romantic investigation that resonates with their past history, they must apprehend a ghost who is terrorizing the population! Some say it would be the ghost of Caroline...


Chambre noire

Becoming a recognized artist photographer was Jeff's dream. However, at 38, he feels like he's failed at everything. A vintage camera given to him by a strange old man and a stunning photo of a young woman will overturn his life.

Black as the Snow 2

Noir comme Neige 2

When an SUV used for a robbery in Switzerland is discovered crushed at the bottom of a cliff in the French mountains, Officer Constance Vivier of the PGHM must once again team up with Captain Meyer of the Swiss police to find the 3 robbers on the run and their loot. But the discovery of the corpse of one of them suggests that someone else is trying to get a hold on this treasure lost in the peaks. Captain Meyer leads the investigation while trying to keep a link with his daughter Violette in rebellion against him.

The killer's daughter

La fille de l'assassin

Everyone’s in shock when esteemed doctor Pierre is found to have killed his wife. 15 years later, released on parole and determined to find the culprit, he is rejected by his sons and only finds support with his daughter, Nina, who alone is convinced of his innocence. To help her father, Nina must face a painful past. But as the secrets unfold one by one, death strikes again...

Wara - Season 2

Wara - Saison 2

Moutari Wara shankes candidate Ganka Barry with information about the embezzlement of funds on a recycling center that was never built. But the unexpected return of his wife and daughter who had been taken hostage puts him in check against his opponent, who paid the ransom for their release.

Murders on the Côte Sauvage

Les Mystères de la marée

For several days bales of cocaine have been washing up on beaches. One morning, the body of Lucas Lagne is found. Sarah, captain of the gendarmerie, is in charge of the investigation and will have to team up with Ben, sent by the narcotics squad. The investigators will carry out the investigation which will show that keeping secrets about the birth of children is not free of consequences...

Murders on Lérins Islands

Meurtres sur les Îles du Lérins

On Lérins Islands, Christophe Beaumont, a film producer, is found dead on the set of the film adapted from the legend of the Iron Mask. In charge of the investigation, Laure Castaldi is surprised to find her sister Manon at the crime scene. The latter has just been transferred under her orders to the Cannes brigade. They haven't seen each other since Laure didn't come to their mother's funeral. Their investigation into the producer's crime revealed suspects who seem to echo the legend of the Iron Mask and the various identities assigned to him.

Murder in Vendée

Le Paquebot

While investigating the murder of a journalist, Léa and Greg look into the secrets of the Africa, a true "French Titanic" which was shipwrecked in 1920 off the coast of Les Sables d'Olonne. On board this steamer which rallied the various colonial ports were many Senegalese skirmishers returning home after the First World War. Had the journalist figured out the theft of the liner's legendary treasure? Does the 47 meters deep wreck have new secrets to reveal?

Murder in Font Romeu

Meurtre à Font Romeu

The small town of Font Romeu is in shock when Father-Baptiste is found murdered and mutilated near the training center. Lieutenant Thomas Errelbaz, in charge of the investigation teams up with Julie Delpech, freshly arrived from Paris. The investigation leads them to take an interest in the sports center : suspicions of sexual assault, a fountain legendary for its power of fertility, but also suspicions of human trafficking,....

Murder in the Finistère

Les Secrets du Finistère

Back in her home Brittany, Morgane Ledantec, Captain of Gendarmerie, is confronted with the discovery of human bones after the fall of a sacred oak during a storm. The victim was a follower of druidism which Morgane was introduced to as a teenager by her godmother, the troubling Katell.

Murders in Dinard

Lame de fond

The seaside resort of Dinard rolls out its red carpet for its British film festival when we discover the body of a young English director floating between two waters. The man did not drown, he was killed...

Murders in Guadeloupe

Meurtres en Guadeloupe

When Christian Rivière, a renowned industrialist (from one of the most powerful white families on the island) is found murdered, Jean-Baptiste Lonteau, a retired white cop and reservist, returns to service and leads the investigation with Lieutenant Télumée Magloire (45), who just got back in Guadeloupe. A second corpse is found at the top of La Soufrière: Marie-Agnès Dragouvin, Indian, manager of a holistic center. Her inert, naked body is covered with cane fibres. Jean-Baptiste is in shock, this victim is none other than his best friend.

Murders in Béarn

Meurtres en Béarn

At the foot of the majestic mountains of Béarn, the wife of a notable is found drowned under the Sauveterre Legend bridge. Cheeky Jeanne, captain of the Oloron research brigade, as to team up with Hélène, an elegant upperclass. Once very good friends, the two fifty-somethings hate each other. And for good reason: they are the respective mothers, and very partisan, of a young couple who are divorcing.

Troubled Waters

La Promesse de l'eau

The seabed, in the Golf du Lion, off Montpellier. A diver unearths in a wreck a treasure that many covet: the golden statuette of Medusa, one of the three Gorgons of mythology. The next day, the young man's boat is found empty, adrift. Is it the curse that surrounds the legendary statuette that has just struck again? Or a competing treasure hunter who attacked the diver?...


Une Confession

30-something Clarisse, a pugnacious and reckless policewoman, is called to investigate the death of Maud Duberry. Maud fell from the top of a cliff under the eyes of her husband, Jean Duberry, in his fifties, who could do nothing. The case is quickly classified as an accident. But a week later, a mysterious witness claims to have seen Jean pushing his wife.

The Village of the cursed

Le Village des endormis

While a murderer, Lucas, escapes during a prison transfer, a strange phenomenon suddenly disrupts the life of a village. Inhabitants fall one after the other into a prolonged sleep. It is in this climate of panic and anguish that Mathieu, a gendarmerie captain on the verge of divorce, must find Lucas and investigate a series of crimes.

Murders in Pont-Aven

Meurtres à Pont-Aven

The investigation into the murder of the young gallery owner, Eric Sinclair, allows police captain Marion Darosa and her father, medical examiner Sébastien Darosa, to unwittingly solve the mystery surrounding the death of Marion's mother seventeen years ago, in 2004.

Murder in Charente

Les Mystères de la Duchesse

Cyril is doing his Taï-Chi in a corner of the Domaine du Manoir park. A golf club slams into the back of Cyril's neck, killing him with a dead blow. The investigation is entrusted to Maud Arthuis, who is more than 8 months pregnant but widowed, the future father of the child she is carrying, died of a stroke early in her pregnancy.

Murder in Ramatuelle

Crime à Ramatuelle

Sébastien Lacassagne, 35, owner of a wine estate and a private beach in Ramatuelle, was assassinated with a statuette in his house. The investigation conducted by Deputy Prosecutor Elisabeth Richard and Captain Caroline Martinez reveals many gray areas in the victim's life

Burning Crimes

La Promesse du feu

The first big fire of the season is devastating the scrublands. In the middle of the inferno, a burnt corpse is found in the steaming remainings of an ATV. Other ones will follow, forcing Guillaum, cop, and Damien, gendarme, brother in life and enemy brothers on the field, to collaborate and follow the tracks of Tiffany, a famous young photographer obsessed with fire. Unless they have to investigate on Târiq Amraoui, a Canadair pilot with a mysterious past.

Murder in Sainte Baume

De Miel et de sang

After 20 years of absence, Captain Fred Carel returns to the small town of Provence where grow up. With Sara, his former high school friend who became a lieutenant in the local gendarmerie, he must investigate Antoine's death. Bernier, killed by dozens of bee stings to which he was allergic. It might just be a sad accident in this beekeeping region, but several suspicious elements call out to Fred and Sara. All converge on Chloé, Anaïs and Géraldine Portal, three generations of women from an eminent family in the region.



In the heart of winter, several notables from the Chamonix region are found murdered in their homes. To move forward with investigation, police captain Thomas Delhaye decides to release Juliette Hémon from prison, imprisoned 10 years earlier for a strangely similar case...

Murders in Porquerolles

Meurtres à Porquerolles

The lifeless body of a 60-year-old woman is discovered on the beach of Alycastre in Porquerolles. Elisabeth Carlson was a painter and admired person on the island. Her body at the foot of the cliff evokes the Lycastre, the famous dragon from the legend that gave the bay its name.



Estelle, professeur d'éducation physique dans un lycée du Sud de la France est soupçonnée d'entretenir une "relation particulière" avec une de ses élèves, Angélique. Avec la disparition de la jeune fille, la rumeur enfle.

Dangerous reunion

Dangereuses retrouvailles

Neurologist Esthelle comes home after years spent abroad. But after meeting one of her childhood friends and finding out to her dismay that the friend is married to Paul, her one true love, she is consumed by jealousy.

Black as the Snow

Noir comme Neige

It’s peak season at Morzine-Avoriaz ski resort. High mountain state police officer Constance Vivier, a purposeful and bordeline woman, and Swiss cop Andreas Meyer, fumbling and cerebral, investigate the suspect death of a teenager, found freezing on a slope after an alcohol coma.

Murder in Angoulême

Le prix de la trahison

Captain Marie Jourdan invites her friend Commandant Paul Danceny and his father to celebrate her 30th anniversary at the restaurant her husband Pierre just opened. The party is brutally interrupted when agents come to arrest their son Marc, a husband and father of 2, for the murder of his mistress.

Murder in Biot

Crime à Biot

Marie Lemaire is poisoned with fentanyl at a dinner for an association of tradespeople. Her business was the largest glassmaking firm in town, inherited from her recently deceased husband, François.

Tragedy on the High Seas

Drame en haute mer

The trawler Marie-Morgane sinks suddenly and inexplicably with all its crew, including Captain Lenormand and his son. When Nolwenn Lenormand hears the news she’s convinced that a submarine on manoeuvres must have been responsible.

Murder in the Frioul Islands

Meurtre sur les Iles du Frioul

A famous editor from Marseille, Adrien Grenna, hosts a cultural event about Alexandre Dumas on the Frioul islands, with a theatre play play based on “The Count of Monte-Cristo” as the highlight of the day. In the middle of the show, the body of the editor is found on stage!

No Compromise


Gabriel refuses to obey a prefectural decree which requires him to treat his vineyard with pesticides. As an advocate of biodynamic principles, he opposes the use of chemical products on vines because, in his view, they weaken the land, destroy the ecosystem and are a danger to people’s health.


Basse saison

La Grande Motte, in the winter. A couple of 50-somethings on the verge of splitting up have to tempt fate to save their relationship and foil the mocking hand of fate which puts them on the trail of a bag full of money.

Simenon : The Accomplices

Simenon : Les Complices

Marc Billard, boss of a public works company, regularly visits his building sites with Monica, an employee who’s used to granting him her favours in cheap hotels. One day, as they’re driving back from such an escapade, Marc fails to notice a bus travelling very fast. In swerving to avoid him, the bus crosses the road and rolls over. But the couple drive on without a word.

The Girl in the Woods

La Fille dans les bois

Jeanne’s life changes dramatically when her sister makes a deathbed confession that she sent an innocent man to jail 15 years previously by refusing to give him an alibi. Jeanne will have to do all she can to get this man released and find out who really killed her best friend.

Bad Seeds

Mauvaises Graines

Jean Bogossian has set up a reorientation centre in a small village, his ambition being to save young petty criminals from ending up like he did, being in the wrong place at the wrong time. He’ll do all he can to get his stray sheep back on the right path.

Murders in Martinique

Meurtres en Martinique

The body of a young woman is found at the top of the Mount Pelée volcano, in Martinique. To identify her, a forensic officer has to come from Paris. A mission for Captain Léna Valrose, of Martinican origins, but who’s stepping foot on the island for the first time.

For my son

Pour l'honneur d'un fils

Commander Paul Leclerc is a former fighter pilot, who trains soldiers to fly observation drones. During a field operation in Africa, his son Guillaume, serving in a commando unit, is killed.

Crime is her game

Le crime lui va si bien

On the one hand there’s country-girl Gaby, both a cop and a farmer, with a feisty character and methods all her own. On the other there’s city-girl Céline, as upright, respectful of the rules and formal as Gaby is borderline, messy and unpolished.



An apparently well-rounded woman hides a secret wound: her daughter Hortense was taken from her as she was only 3.

My daughter on the run

La fugue

When her daughter Chloé runs away from home, Jeanne is disappointed with the response of the police, for whom a teenager runaway is not a priority, and she realises she can only rely on herself.

Lucas is gone

Pour te retrouver

11-year-old Lucas vanishes one morning from his home. His disappearance throws his parents Marion and Alexis, who recently split up, into unbearable anguish, for their son is absolutely not prepared to face the outside world, being autistic and particularly fragile.

Storm warning

Avis de tempête

While an unforgettable storm lashes the Breton town of Perros-Guirec, a 10-year-old boy goes missing. Supposedly taking care of him at the time, teenagers Julie and Erwan never get over his disapearance…

Copy cat

Faux semblants

Newly promoted Lieutenant Valentine Ventura finds herself working with famous Captain Antoine Thomas who just came back from his medical leave after the tragedy he lived a few months ago : victim of a car crash that killed both his wife and the child she was bearing, Antoine Thomas spent several months in the hospital, and is now back in a wheelchair after losing function of his legs.

Murder in Biarritz

Maddy Etcheban

Maddy Etcheban is a cop in Bayonne, but more than anything else she’s the mother of autistic Clément, whom she’s been taking care of single-handedly since the death of her husband.



A collection of eight films, each the fruit of an encounter between a novelist and a filmmaker, the latter given carte blanche to adapt one of the published novels, creating a hard-boiled crime story in the B-movie tradition, exploring every nuance of genre cinema, from high farce to social criticism, by way of moral (or immoral) fables, the macabre and the romantic.



The only son of a great surgeon, Damien almost followed in his father’s footsteps before becoming a lawyer. Elected to parliament, he’s on the verge of a successful political career before being devastated by the loss of his daughter Anaïs.



Politically committed student Aïcha fires up the campus by urging her law professor Moutari to get back into politics. Together they want to change the world. « It always seems impossible until it’s done! » (Nelson Mandela)

Someone Behind the Door

Une Ombre Derrière la Porte

Camille is single and the adoptive mother of a two-year-old Vietnamese girl named Léa. She leaves Paris for a new life but is soon overwhelmed by the everyday pressures of her job, bringing up her daughter and dealing with babysitters. Luckily for her, her charming new neighbours, a couple in their sixties, offer to help with Léa. But they soon become invasive, taking over Camille’s life.

Murders in Corrèze

Meurtres en Corrèze

The historic procession of Saint-Jean in the city of Tulle is disrupted by dead bodies. Gendarmes Axel and Lena, who used to be a couple, will have to cooperate to find who is responsible for the murders.

Murder in Herault

Crime dans l'Hérault

The boss of a fashionable Cap d’Agde nightclub is found murdered in her own office. Deputy public prosecutor Elisabeth Richard and gendarme captain Charles Jouanic get back together to investigate what looks like a crime with an obvious motive, since the safe has been emptied of its money.

Murder in Arcachon


Christophe Perrin, a renowned oyster farmer in Arcachon Bay, is the victim of a murder attempt. His three daughters rush to his bedside, where he lies wounded and unable to manage L’Héritage, the family oyster farm.

Murder in Provence

Le Prix de la Loyauté

Captain Marie Jourdan of the Lyon Police answers an emergency call to help her friend, Captain Paul Danceny. He is in jail, accused of murdering his mistress, who was the wife of a charismatic and manipulative plastic surgeon.

Murder in the Vercors

Le Pont des Oubliés

In the pastures of the Vercors, at the heart of the French Alps, a shepherd has been murdered. The whole village suspects the former schoolteacher, because the herdsman ruined her career a few years previously, when he found out that she was dating his 17-year-old nephew. The young man now returns to the village and the tension increases.



Alice Minville is a nurse in Canada. She is travelling in the far north when her mother, Suzanne, dies in a car accident. When Alice learns of her death four days later, her corpse has already been sent to France, on the instructions of Suzanne's husband. But Suzanne’s husband, Alice's father, died 22 years earlier in a fire!

Murders in Rochefort

Les Mystères du Bois Galant

Police captain Emma Thélier is on holiday at her mother’s in the Charente-Maritime region when, while jogging in the forest, she discovers a man’s corpse. Because of her knowledge of the area and the initial findings, Emma is put in charge of the investigation. But she has to work with the gendarme captain Adrien Klévec, recently transferred here and with whom she spent the previous night. They weren’t supposed to meet again but now they are embarrassed at having to work together.

Murders in Lorraine

Meurtres en Lorraine

When a corpse clutching a crystal chess piece is found in the old fortress of Bitche, in the Lorraine region, police lieutenant Nicolas Muller is sent to investigate. He is accompanied by a young female intern and soon discovers, during this complex investigation, that he is actually related to her.

Murders in Lille

Meurtres à Lille

Roubaix is host city to an exhibition of the work of Victor Maurin, one of the most famous sculptors of nearby Lille. A few hours prior to the launch of the event, one of the sculptures starts to bleed... The artist’s corpse is found inside.

Murder in Luberon

Crime dans le Luberon

In central Provence, during a hunt, 40 year-old hunter Pascal Achard is murdered. The deputy public prosecutor Elisabeth Richard investigates for the first time with gendarme captain Charles Jouanic, accompanied by his deputy Caroline Martinez.

Night Watch

Ronde de Nuit

Mila is a cop and she’s back in Marseille after a few years away. She’s a loner, damaged and always on her guard. She’s looking for her father, whom she hasn’t seen for fifteen years.

The Patricia MacDonald Collection

Collection Patricia MacDonald

Patricia MacDonald’s novels sell in their millions in France and around the world. Few novelists can create such fascinating plots, holding the reader in suspense to the very last page with new twists and surprise endings. She is the undisputed queen of psychological and up-close thrillers.

Marion's Law

La Loi de Marion

For 20 years Marion had a complicated relationship with the lawyer Olivier Queyras, who was not only her mentor, but also her husband and boss. But now she's finally found the courage to leave him and open her own practice. So, recalling unpleasant memories of her own relationship, she naturally advises Karine, one of her clients, to leave her abusive husband.

Blood Brothers

Frères de Sang

Quiet dinner at the Lemeunier’s. The door bell rings and everything radically changes : Brice, the eldest son, is arrested by the police officer Despart, suspected to have committed four murders.

Frozen Memories

Mémoire de Glace

In the sumptuous setting of the Mont Blanc a family secret in the form of a perfectly conserved body has remained buried deep in the ice for 15 years. Its reappearance will spark off many emotions.

Above Suspicion


Valérie, a youthful 40, is an active, exemplary woman. A psychiatrist by trade, she is also a perfect mother, wife, and parishioner. And yet, Valérie is also a murderer.

The Target

Ligne de Mire

Claire an 8 months pregnant young nurse is targeting Aline, main witness of a huge legal case. 48 hours earlier, David, her companion, has taken possession of a suitcase full of money that was not intended to him.


1, 2, 3 Voleurs

Luis is a dreamer. Funds carrier by happenstance, only to make a living, he turns outlaw on a whim, holding up is own van -- and, incidentally, his two best friends' peace of mind.

Murder in Tours

Les Mysteres de la Basilique

Police Commander Louise Chaland is investigating the murder of a controversial sculptor with the help of her son Sylvain, who has become a priest. The body was discovered alongside one of his works, which has been daubed with Latin inscriptions. They soon establish a link with the disappearance of a relic of Saint Martin, the patron saint of the city of Tours.

Murder in Maussane

Crime dans les Alpilles

Maussane, at the very heart of the French region of Provence, with its olive trees and its charming squares. Deputy prosecutor Elisabeth Richard and local police commander Paul Jansac are investigating the murder of Caroline Autiero, wife of an old mill-owner.

Missing Child

Le Poids des Mensonges

Luisa has all she needs to be happy: she lives with Mathieu, the man she loves, and Arthur, Mathieu’s 6-year-old son by his first wife, who died in an accident. But Arthur, whom Luisa has been raising like her own, suddenly disappears from school and no one claims a kidnapping.

Suite noire

Suite noire

8 films, each the fruit of an encounter between a novelist and a filmmaker, creating a hard-boiled crime story in the B-movie tradition, exploring every nuance of genre cinema.

Crimson winter

Hiver rouge

A third girl has been murdered in the middle of the festive season but superintendent Rousseau is not convinced by the serial-killer hypothesis.


À la dérive

Villefranche is a French city of 30,000 citizens where Jérôme Cachart, 34, is accused of murdering Driss Belhaj, who used to be his best friend.

Murders in Sarlat

Meurtres à Sarlat

Sarlat, in south-west France, was the site of violent peasant revolts - the croquant rebellions - in the 17th Century. Now, the son of the region's largest manufacturer of preserved foods has been murdered in a ritual recalling those historical events

Angel of fire

Ange de feu

No one saw Françoise's suicide coming. She jumped out of her Parisian apartment after receiving a death notice, which she immediately burnt.

Dying for a child

Une mère en trop

Florence Varthy is found dead in her garage. Witnesses to her last few days are questioned to discover who wanted her dead. How did this woman, only daughter of well-known, brash businessman Jacques Varthy, end up like this?

The dark side

La Face

Paul Berthier, an ambitious public prosecutor, is witness to the accidental drowning of a young girl in the Charente but does nothing to help. It starts to look like the girl was murdered, and the case lands on Berthier's desk.

Captain Casta

Capitaine Casta

CASTA is stationed in a Criminal Investigation Department that covers several districts in Paris. He is a particular cop with particular methods, not really integrated among his colleagues.

Murder in Collioure

Meurtres à Collioure

The body of a dead woman is found in a barrel hurtling down a hill in the middle of the night. The prime suspect is the husband, a violent and jealous painter from Collioure, for whom the victim was both model and muse.

Orion's children

Les enfants d'Orion

Lou, 29, was initiated into ancient hunting rituals by her father before she ran away from home 15 years ago. Now, following his death, she's back. And a series of murders are being committed.

Mirror, mirror on the wall

Miroir, mon beau miroir

On one side there’s Marie-Line, a beautiful woman resisting the advance of time.On the other there's Marion, her daughter-in-law, married to her son, Paul. Between the two there's a house and Marion’s son, Ludo. Following Paul’s suspicious death, Marie-Line is ready to do anything to recover her property.

Passage du désir

Passage du désir

Lola Jost, a former police chief who's taken early retirement, and Ingrid Diesel, an American with a tormented past are neighbours. Nothing links them, apart from a horrendous murder committed in Le Passage de Désir in Paris.

Hit & Run


One day, Karine Blanchard is killed in a hit-and-run road accident. Emma decided to investigate herself. But what she finds out will change all of their lives …

Taste for murder

Une place parmis les vivants

Paris, January 7th 1958. Ernest Ripper is a failed writer. Ernest goes to the « Lapin chasseur », a restaurant in Montmartre, to see a mysterious admirer who insists on meeting him. The secret admirer is Joseph Arcimboldo, a serial killer.

Roxana's hands

Les mains de Roxana

Roxana Orlac, a famous violinist, loses the use of her hands in a terrible accident. Her career as a virtuoso seems to be over until Professor Christansen offers her a transplant of two new hands.

In love


Iona is from the Basque region but works as a reporter for a Parisian newspaper. She is in Saint Jean de Luz, interviewing a former member of the Eterra terrorist group, when he is shot dead in front of her.


Profils criminels

She is very attractive, she has a degree in psychlogy and she is a super cop raising her two young sisters. Captain Emma Sinclair investigates on the mysterious death of a young women in a parking lot.

Cyrano in the hood

Cyrano de Ménilmontant

As clever as he is self-conscious, due to a tyrannical mother, Pierre-Jean Morin, also know as PJ, puts his emotions on hold after his wife leaves him. Once a brilliant cop, he has now become a local policeman dealing with the everyday life of his neighbourhood, Ménilmontant.


Notre Dame des barjots

Véra Cabral works in a psychiatric emergency unit. One evening, she finds her obnoxious and pretentious boss, Edouard Russel, waiting for her on her doorstep crying and begging for her help.

Between two shadows

Entre deux ombres

Betty Vitalini has just been through hell: she lost the baby she was expecting in a terrible car crash. She then receives a job offer to look after a seven year-old blind boy for a year. The boy lives with his father, a doctor, way up in the mountains.

The Hold-up


A bank manager, her employees and a handful of customers are about to endure a few nightmare hours with the four men who have come to rob the bank.


Quand vient la peur

2x85' ou/or 1x126'
Fear descends on the small provincial town of Poitou-Charentes in France in the 1970s after a series of pretty brunettes are brutally murdered.

Series Collections

Murder in Les Saintes

Le Fantôme des Saintes

The heavenly archipelago of Les Saintes. The body of Caroline Boissaux, owner of the Hotel Torment d'Amour, is found at the bottom of a cliff. Like the legend of Caroline: a saintoise in love with the Chevalier de Fréminville who, out of amorous spite, threw herself from the same cliff 200 years earlier. Captain Gaëlle Boissaux's investigation takes a personal turn when her childhood sweetheart, Ludovic Augustin, is sent to the island to support her. And the investigators are not at the end of their surprises: in addition to a romantic investigation that resonates with their past history, they must apprehend a ghost who is terrorizing the population! Some say it would be the ghost of Caroline...



Louise, an antique dealer in the city center, has been a widow for 20 years and has never moved on in life. This woman with graying hair and a retiree's appearance doesn't bother anyone. However, Louise is only 43 years old. The reason she tries to appear 70 is that she sees men's attention as a real danger.

The killer's daughter

La fille de l'assassin

Everyone’s in shock when esteemed doctor Pierre is found to have killed his wife. 15 years later, released on parole and determined to find the culprit, he is rejected by his sons and only finds support with his daughter, Nina, who alone is convinced of his innocence. To help her father, Nina must face a painful past. But as the secrets unfold one by one, death strikes again...

Murders on the Côte Sauvage

Les Mystères de la marée

For several days bales of cocaine have been washing up on beaches. One morning, the body of Lucas Lagne is found. Sarah, captain of the gendarmerie, is in charge of the investigation and will have to team up with Ben, sent by the narcotics squad. The investigators will carry out the investigation which will show that keeping secrets about the birth of children is not free of consequences...

Murders on Lérins Islands

Meurtres sur les Îles du Lérins

On Lérins Islands, Christophe Beaumont, a film producer, is found dead on the set of the film adapted from the legend of the Iron Mask. In charge of the investigation, Laure Castaldi is surprised to find her sister Manon at the crime scene. The latter has just been transferred under her orders to the Cannes brigade. They haven't seen each other since Laure didn't come to their mother's funeral. Their investigation into the producer's crime revealed suspects who seem to echo the legend of the Iron Mask and the various identities assigned to him.

Murder in Vendée

Le Paquebot

While investigating the murder of a journalist, Léa and Greg look into the secrets of the Africa, a true "French Titanic" which was shipwrecked in 1920 off the coast of Les Sables d'Olonne. On board this steamer which rallied the various colonial ports were many Senegalese skirmishers returning home after the First World War. Had the journalist figured out the theft of the liner's legendary treasure? Does the 47 meters deep wreck have new secrets to reveal?

Murder in Font Romeu

Meurtre à Font Romeu

The small town of Font Romeu is in shock when Father-Baptiste is found murdered and mutilated near the training center. Lieutenant Thomas Errelbaz, in charge of the investigation teams up with Julie Delpech, freshly arrived from Paris. The investigation leads them to take an interest in the sports center : suspicions of sexual assault, a fountain legendary for its power of fertility, but also suspicions of human trafficking,....

Murder in the Finistère

Les Secrets du Finistère

Back in her home Brittany, Morgane Ledantec, Captain of Gendarmerie, is confronted with the discovery of human bones after the fall of a sacred oak during a storm. The victim was a follower of druidism which Morgane was introduced to as a teenager by her godmother, the troubling Katell.

Murders in Dinard

Lame de fond

The seaside resort of Dinard rolls out its red carpet for its British film festival when we discover the body of a young English director floating between two waters. The man did not drown, he was killed...

Murders in Guadeloupe

Meurtres en Guadeloupe

When Christian Rivière, a renowned industrialist (from one of the most powerful white families on the island) is found murdered, Jean-Baptiste Lonteau, a retired white cop and reservist, returns to service and leads the investigation with Lieutenant Télumée Magloire (45), who just got back in Guadeloupe. A second corpse is found at the top of La Soufrière: Marie-Agnès Dragouvin, Indian, manager of a holistic center. Her inert, naked body is covered with cane fibres. Jean-Baptiste is in shock, this victim is none other than his best friend.

Murders in Béarn

Meurtres en Béarn

At the foot of the majestic mountains of Béarn, the wife of a notable is found drowned under the Sauveterre Legend bridge. Cheeky Jeanne, captain of the Oloron research brigade, as to team up with Hélène, an elegant upperclass. Once very good friends, the two fifty-somethings hate each other. And for good reason: they are the respective mothers, and very partisan, of a young couple who are divorcing.

Murders in Pont-Aven

Meurtres à Pont-Aven

The investigation into the murder of the young gallery owner, Eric Sinclair, allows police captain Marion Darosa and her father, medical examiner Sébastien Darosa, to unwittingly solve the mystery surrounding the death of Marion's mother seventeen years ago, in 2004.

Murder in Charente

Les Mystères de la Duchesse

Cyril is doing his Taï-Chi in a corner of the Domaine du Manoir park. A golf club slams into the back of Cyril's neck, killing him with a dead blow. The investigation is entrusted to Maud Arthuis, who is more than 8 months pregnant but widowed, the future father of the child she is carrying, died of a stroke early in her pregnancy.

Murder in Ramatuelle

Crime à Ramatuelle

Sébastien Lacassagne, 35, owner of a wine estate and a private beach in Ramatuelle, was assassinated with a statuette in his house. The investigation conducted by Deputy Prosecutor Elisabeth Richard and Captain Caroline Martinez reveals many gray areas in the victim's life

Murder in Sainte Baume

De Miel et de sang

After 20 years of absence, Captain Fred Carel returns to the small town of Provence where grow up. With Sara, his former high school friend who became a lieutenant in the local gendarmerie, he must investigate Antoine's death. Bernier, killed by dozens of bee stings to which he was allergic. It might just be a sad accident in this beekeeping region, but several suspicious elements call out to Fred and Sara. All converge on Chloé, Anaïs and Géraldine Portal, three generations of women from an eminent family in the region.

Black as the Snow

Noir comme Neige

It’s peak season at Morzine-Avoriaz ski resort. High mountain state police officer Constance Vivier, a purposeful and bordeline woman, and Swiss cop Andreas Meyer, fumbling and cerebral, investigate the suspect death of a teenager, found freezing on a slope after an alcohol coma.

Murder in the Frioul Islands

Meurtre sur les Iles du Frioul

A famous editor from Marseille, Adrien Grenna, hosts a cultural event about Alexandre Dumas on the Frioul islands, with a theatre play play based on “The Count of Monte-Cristo” as the highlight of the day. In the middle of the show, the body of the editor is found on stage!

Murder in Biarritz

Maddy Etcheban

Maddy Etcheban is a cop in Bayonne, but more than anything else she’s the mother of autistic Clément, whom she’s been taking care of single-handedly since the death of her husband.



A collection of eight films, each the fruit of an encounter between a novelist and a filmmaker, the latter given carte blanche to adapt one of the published novels, creating a hard-boiled crime story in the B-movie tradition, exploring every nuance of genre cinema, from high farce to social criticism, by way of moral (or immoral) fables, the macabre and the romantic.

The Patricia MacDonald Collection

Collection Patricia MacDonald

Patricia MacDonald’s novels sell in their millions in France and around the world. Few novelists can create such fascinating plots, holding the reader in suspense to the very last page with new twists and surprise endings. She is the undisputed queen of psychological and up-close thrillers.

The Law of...

La Loi de...

In court, the accused awaits the jury's decision. As the legal engine rolls on, he or she is all alone except for the counsel for the defence. No matter how serious the case, the accused has the right to be defended by a criminal defence lawyer.

Suite noire

Suite noire

8 films, each the fruit of an encounter between a novelist and a filmmaker, creating a hard-boiled crime story in the B-movie tradition, exploring every nuance of genre cinema.



« Vertigo » is a collection of 24 TV Movie of 90’ each. The heroines of these movies are always beautiful and innocent womens who often find thereselves in danger, with drama passion, manipulations and a lots of wrong tracks and new turns.

Feature Film

Che and Me

Moi et le Che

Go is a college professor coming to the end of his career. But, more important than that, when he was 18 he was driven by ideals of equality and fraternity, totally committed to the cause, and was one of Che Guevara’s final companions, over there in Bolivia, in 1967. Or at least, so he says, over and over and over again.



After the death of the young woman he was lodging for more than one year, a fifty year old man finds himself alone with a two years old little boy, Lino.


Haïti chérie

Haitian couple who work on a sugar cane plantation in the Dominican Republic escape the desperate conditions of the ‘bateyes’ (cane cutters’ communities) and make their way back to Haiti where further tragedy awaits them.

Mind loosers

Les percutés

Bruno Lussac is a cop. As he tries to get some money at an A.T, his card get stuck in the machine. He becomes crazy when he learns that he has no more money on his bank account.

Series / Short Programs



S1 15x5’ + S2 10x8’' or 80'
It’s the challenge that Ben and Emma, a couple of 30 something, have to face. The initiatory journey of these 2 parents-to-be, waiting for the unidentified object that is their child.

I do

I do

Zoe, a French woman immigrating in Brooklyn, is desperately trying to find a husband so she can get a visa and work as a Cabaret Singer in New York.

Woke XAOC- Season 3

Les Engagés XAOC- Saison 3

3x45' or 12x10'
WOKE – XAOC, a new season of WOKE, the series created by Sullivan Le Postec, in which Thibaut saves a Chechen refugee from a nearly fatal trap, and in the process discovers a trial programme for human rights protection which has provided shelter for several people in Europe. Hicham returns to his tower-block neighbourhood in Saint Étienne after a relative is killed in a fight with the police.

The Love Bug

Croc Love

In the near future, scientists have invented a test to measure the love you feel. This throws society into upheaval: couples are torn apart, the divorce rate increases and a new profession is created, that of anti-love adviser, whose job it is to warn the population about this dangerous emotion.



10x10' or 110'
The documentary series «Océan» is an intimate self-portrait of a trans man, already known by the public under his stage name Océanerosemarie, he is a comedian and true lesbian icon since his first show in 2009, "The Invisible Lesbian". Finally ready to face the social gaze, in May 2018, Océan decides to come out, change gender and assert himself as he is: a trans man.

Series 26'

Far Away


In a worn out but warm house in the Parisian suburbs, nine foreign roommates, students or young working people, are welcomed by Guillaume, himself from Reunion. This year, some friends of his decided to shoot a documentary on this one-of-a-kind houseshare...

Trouble Mum

Mère indigne

Rachel, 40, celebrates her divorce in her own way: long, joyfully and very loudly; she has just obtained a comfortable pension, the apartment with a terrace and joint custody of her daughter, Rosa, 7 years old. But she quickly hits a wall when she discovers that her ex-husband, Yanis, is now dating her lawyer!

Louis 28

Louis 28

2021, in a France where the monarchy never has been abolished, Samia painfully raises her son, born of a failed relationship with an aristocrat 16 years earlier, and who’s going through his teenage crisis. When a plane crash takes the lives of the entire royal family, she receives an unexpected visit: her son is the heir to the throne of France.

I do

I do

Zoe, a French woman immigrating in Brooklyn, is desperately trying to find a husband so she can get a visa and work as a Cabaret Singer in New York.

Tahiti Spirit

Tahiti PK.0

Detective Cheyenne Tinihu teams up with police captain Félix Kleber to help him find his daughter, who has mysteriously disappeared on the island of Tahiti. During the investigation, Cheyenne discovers shamanic powers of her own, inherited from her supposedly dead father.

Fictions - Political Drama



Mayakis an underground comic designer. He is currently working on an illustrated novel : Azad ("freedom » in Armenian). Azad tells his grand father’s story.


Vive la bombe !

Algeria. May 1st 1962. The war has been over for two months. But following secret agreements, de Gaulle continues to conduct nuclear tests in the Sahara desert.

Watch your lip !

L'Été des lip

It's 1973, and the Lip watch-making factory in Besançon is experiencing hard times. The director has resigned and there is no more cash. The only person showing any interest in the company is a corporate raider.

Fictions - Action



6x52' + S2 in production'
An electromagnetic pulse bomb turns a secure building into a psychotic battlefield trapping an international group of young game creators. They will now need to use the survival skills honed while creating their ‘Pulse’ game if they are going to escape the imploding and now crumbling building whose other occupants are becoming dangerously and murderously psychotic.



Hired by a surveillance company to oversee the security of a hypermarket, Pierre Solvy soon discovers that he’s expected to do other things besides the usual catching of suspects.

The Hold-up


A bank manager, her employees and a handful of customers are about to endure a few nightmare hours with the four men who have come to rob the bank.

Fictions - Family Drama

Out of Sight

Droit de regard

Alexandra, an energetic 30-something, is a much-appreciated professional coach. Alas, the glaucoma she suffers from causes her to lose her sight little by little. The shock is violent and the consequences are all the more serious as Alexandra is in divorce proceedings with Yann, the father of her 2 children. As the hearing before the judge approaches, will Alexandra succeed in convincing the justice that she can adapt and keep custody of her children despite her disability?

My daughter on the run

La fugue

When her daughter Chloé runs away from home, Jeanne is disappointed with the response of the police, for whom a teenager runaway is not a priority, and she realises she can only rely on herself.

Lucas is gone

Pour te retrouver

11-year-old Lucas vanishes one morning from his home. His disappearance throws his parents Marion and Alexis, who recently split up, into unbearable anguish, for their son is absolutely not prepared to face the outside world, being autistic and particularly fragile.

White lies


Bulle, a charming swiss town facing an industrial transformation. This picture-postcard landscape is home to the Aubert family, whose pleasant domestic life is destroyed by Alice’s illness at the age of just 35.

The Unexpected Child

L'Enfant que je n'attendais pas

Married and with a 7-year-old daughter, Johanna is happy, until the night she unexpectedly gives birth. In shock, she abandons the child. The baby is later found alive but she is now accused of attempted infanticide. Johanna doesn't understand, adamant that she hadn’t been pregnant.



Geneva 2018. On a train, Isabelle spots a young woman entirely clad in Islamic attire. Her heart skips a beat: it’s Anaïs, her granddaughter! Without saying a word to Anaïs, Isabelle calls Léa, Anaïs’ mother, who lives in Montreal. Léa immediately flies to Switzerland. She wants to understand why her daughter has converted to Islam.



Nadia has raised her son by herself on the outskirts of Paris. She is proud when he wins a place at the prestigious Henri IV high school. To help him with his studies she moves to Paris, getting into debt in order to offer him what his classmates have.

Eyes open

Les yeux ouverts

Anne is a jazz pianist and has been blind since birth, François is an astrophysicist who's been blind from the age of seven. This couple is happy. But their daily routine changes the day François is given an artificial cornea transplant and regains his sight.



Turning 50 in a few weeks' time, getting dumped by a husband who has found a 28-year-old Capucine, refusing the advances of a fellow lecturer in corduroy trousers again,...Those are things that happen.

A son

Un fils

Mathilde works in a Planned Parenthood center. One day, a teenage girl comes to her office to ask for a morning-after pill. Mathilde quickly senses that something is wrong with her, and the girl eventually confesses she was raped.

Dog of war

Chien de guerre

Wallid, a young French officer of Algerian descent finds it hard to readapt to civilian life on his return from active service in Afghanistan. His professional career is over but, remaining in touch with former colleagues, he accepts a somewhat special offer.

A perfect family

Une famille parfaite

At the beginning of the 21st century, Martha, a black baby, is adopted by two parents: Mr. Harald Beckmann and Mr. Tobias Joos. Although Tobias dies when she is a child, Martha nevertheless experiences a happy childhood.

Kill Me

Une Cible dans le Dos

50-year-old Christian is a disillusioned and cynical widower who's had enough of life. Lacking the courage to commit suicide, he hires a professional killer, marking himself as the target.

The child who fell from the sky

L'enfant tombée du ciel

Tilly, a little Yougoslavian girl, lives alone with her mother Sonia in Bosnia, in the midst of bombings. Just before Alex(forty year old business man has just arrived from France) leaves, Sonia asks him to do her a favor - she wants him to take Tilly and leave her in the care of some family friends, the Ludovics.

Hidden kisses

Baisers cachés

16-year-old Nathan lives alone with his father Stéphane. As a new kid in high school, he’s invited to a party, where he falls for classmate Louis. They find themselves together and share a kiss. When Stéphane finds out Nathan is gay, he turns away from him.



The Devilles are rich, but they become poor when Philippe, loses his job. The Riccis are poor, but they become rich thanks to Leslie, a dynamic young woman who starts up her own Internet business. The two families have nothing in common except for their honest and fair-minded banker, Frederick Merlin,

Big Jim

Big Jim

Alexander is looking for a job and for happyness... At the age of fourty, his life is not a success… until a notary announces him that his father died and that he inherits from a pork farm.

My two darlings

Mes deux amours

Barbara has vanished in Corsica without a word. Hadrien sets off in search of the woman he loves. But he soon finds he is not the only person worried about Barbara's disappearance, when he meets Emmanuel, Barbara's "other lover".

Series Mini



Louise, an antique dealer in the city center, has been a widow for 20 years and has never moved on in life. This woman with graying hair and a retiree's appearance doesn't bother anyone. However, Louise is only 43 years old. The reason she tries to appear 70 is that she sees men's attention as a real danger.

Black as the Snow 2

Noir comme Neige 2

When an SUV used for a robbery in Switzerland is discovered crushed at the bottom of a cliff in the French mountains, Officer Constance Vivier of the PGHM must once again team up with Captain Meyer of the Swiss police to find the 3 robbers on the run and their loot. But the discovery of the corpse of one of them suggests that someone else is trying to get a hold on this treasure lost in the peaks. Captain Meyer leads the investigation while trying to keep a link with his daughter Violette in rebellion against him.

Legend of the Three Keys

La Légende des Trois Clés

Damien est un prodige en mathématiques, Juliette possède le don de parler toutes les langues et Jimmy celui de dessiner ce qui va arriver… Ils ont 13 ans, ils sont surdoués, ils sont nés le même jour, ils vont se rencontrer ou plutôt se retrouver…

Myriam's Choice

Le Choix de Myriam

Au début des années soixante, Kader, bientôt rejoint par sa femme Myriam, fait partie de la première génération d’immigrés algériens. Très vite, le couple est pris, comme tant d’autres, entre le rêve de retourner au pays, et celui de prospérer sur une terre d’accueil, pas toujours très accueillante…

Match day

Virage Nord

A small French town is devastated by the murder of a football supporter in the stands during a match. Alex, a local girl but also a cop, leads the investigation, seeking answers at the heart of her town, her family and their passion for football.



Every family business has a golden rule: compartmentalize. Xanadu isn’t any different. At the helm, Alex Valadine, the flamboyant patriarch…and the high priest of the French X-rated film industry.

I Love You 2

J'ai 2 amours

At the age of 35, Hector happens to meet his childhood love Louise, and falls in love with her all over again. But there's a big problem. He's gay and has been in a loving relationship with a man for several years.

Room 327

Chambre 327

Since her husband's death, Jade has run the palatial hotel which has belonged to the Marsac family for generations. On the evening of her daughter's engagement party, her future son-in-law, Fabien, is found murdered next to a prostitute in one of the hotel suites.

The missing


You've left your child with a young babysitter, promising your little treasure that you’ll be home early. Except that, just imagine... Imagine coming home later that night to find nobody there.

The Hold-up


A bank manager, her employees and a handful of customers are about to endure a few nightmare hours with the four men who have come to rob the bank.


Quand vient la peur

2x85' ou/or 1x126'
Fear descends on the small provincial town of Poitou-Charentes in France in the 1970s after a series of pretty brunettes are brutally murdered.

The she-wolf

La louve

Following a clerical error, the chief of police Laurence Louve is sent to Lyon to be with her colleague Alexis Attar, a brutal cop using controversial methods. A strange relationship ensues between them where rivalry mixes with seduction.

My son is 70 years old

Mon fils a 70 ans

Sergio and Angela, who are in their mid 30’s, are an energetic and rather happy couple. Despite the fact that they have many friends and hobbies, their lives are clouded by the fact that they cannot conceive.



During the war in Algeria, Laurent, a student who intends to become a journalist, decides to forfeit his service exemption in order to go to Algiers and join the officer’s school. He meets Evelyne, a young French settler whom he falls deeply in love with.