Turning Point (Virage )

Director(s) : Delphine LEMOINE
Author(s) : Virginie PEIGNIEN
Producer(s) : Astharté & Company
Cast : Caroline PROUST (Spiral)
Year : 2024
For : France 3

Louise Bach, a brilliant cop, misses a red handed caught and risks her partner's life by answering her son's repeated calls.

Turning Point

Louise Bach, a brilliant police officer, misses a crucial operation and jeopardizes her partner's life due to repeated calls from her nagging son. Martin, his father, has chosen to live far away from everything, far from the city, and far from his job as a nurse. Louise joins them in an attempt to understand what's happening and bring them back to Paris. However, her failed operation continues to haunt her, eventually putting her family in danger.

2,9 million viewers - 14,6% market share

Louise Bach, brillante flic, qui rate un flag et risque la vie de sa partenaire en répondant aux appels répétés de son fils qui la tanne. Martin, son père, a décidé de rester vivre loin de tout, loin de la ville, loin de son métier d'infirmier. Louise les rejoint pour tenter de comprendre ce qui se passe et les ramener à Paris. Mais l'échec de son flag la poursuit, jusqu'à mettre en danger sa famille.

2,9 millions de téléspectateurs - 14,6% de part de marché

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