Fictions - Drama

Deprived of children

Interdits d'enfants

Inspired by a true story. Based on the book of Sylvie and Dominique Mennesson. Elodie and Antoine are in love and want to start a family, but it turns out that Elodie is infertile. They don’t give up, though. Wanting a child of their own, the couple decide to become parents by means of a surrogate mother. But with surrogacy illegal in France, they go to California. After three years of waiting, hard effort and might-have-beens, Mary, the American surrogate mother gives birth to beautiful twins, Isa and Léa. Elodie and Antoine are parents at last. And according to American and international law, they are the father and mother of their daughters.



February 1969 - Monsieur, is rich. He doesn't talk - he spits or he thunders. Monsieur owns everything. Catherine is poor and speaks little. At the Domaine where she works, she is one of those invisible people thanks to whom the farm runs and that evening, she has custody of little Sylvie. She holds her by the hand. But "annoyed" (as Madame says) by a lecherous lumberjack who plays at scaring her, she lets go of this hand. The child is no longer there.

All the blue in the sky

Tout le bleu du ciel

90' or 2x45'
Emile has just learned that he has early-onset Alzheimer's and that he only has a few months to live. Because he wants to escape the hospital, the gaze of his family and friends, he decides to set off on the road in an old camper van with Joanne, the girl who answered his ad.

Between us

Entre nous

Elodie and Laetitia experience a close love when they decide to have a child by medically assisted procreation. When Elodie discovers that she can't have children and that financial problems come to thwart their project, they decide to take a roommate. They opt for Simon, who then settles down with the young women. But Laetitia feels an uncontrollable attraction for this tall dark man who calls into question her relationship and even her sexual orientation...



Asma, Deka and Hibo could not be more different from each other: they come from different neighborhoods and would never have met without the High School.

Animal Sanctuary

Le combat d'Alice

Affected by the death of her mother two years earlier, 16-year-old Alice is expelled from high school and sent by her father, Joscelin, to live with his grandparents in the countryside. She falls in love with a calf, but realizes that the slaughterhouse is waiting for the young animal.

The Test

A l'épreuve

Ambre, 20, is studying law, encouraged by her modest parents who dream of her becoming a lawyer. When an unexpected baby arrives, everything falls apart.



Based on the testimony of Laurence Brunet-Jambu and Karine Jambu. One woman's fight to save her abused niece. In order to put an end to the ordeal of her niece ordeal, who was raped for years.

The Two of Them

Elles Deux

Two women in their fifties. Everything opposes them: their social status, their backgrounds, their ethnic origins. Despite their differences, they are going to join forces in the same intimate and visceral project: to obtain custody of their grandson, on his return from a Daesh prison camp.

Dancing forever

Fais danser la poussière

Raised by her Breton mother in an entirely white environment, Maya, a young biracial girl, sets out in search of the other half of her story. Despite a world without leniency, kindness, or generosity towards her, she manages to rise to the top of her art: dance. The greatest choreographer of the moment takes her into an even more ruthless jungle: New York.

The beautiful Spark

La Belle Étincelle

While being caught in a controversy that has tarnished his image, Philippe Lamarck, a brilliant starred chef with a complicated character, pushes the door of the restaurant La Belle Étincelle to take control of the kitchen. What he doesn't know is that this restaurant is not like the others... Virginie, the manager, to enable Noé, her son with autism achieve his dream of becoming a cook, set up an inclusive restaurant, hiring only young people with cognitive disabilities.

Wara - Season 2

Wara - Saison 2

Moutari Wara shankes candidate Ganka Barry with information about the embezzlement of funds on a recycling center that was never built. But the unexpected return of his wife and daughter who had been taken hostage puts him in check against his opponent, who paid the ransom for their release.

Out of Sight

Droit de regard

Alexandra, an energetic 30-something, is a much-appreciated professional coach. Alas, the glaucoma she suffers from causes her to lose her sight little by little. The shock is violent and the consequences are all the more serious as Alexandra is in divorce proceedings with Yann, the father of her 2 children. As the hearing before the judge approaches, will Alexandra succeed in convincing the justice that she can adapt and keep custody of her children despite her disability?

The Blissful

Les Enchantés

The dad is Thierry, he was born mentally retarded. The little one is Luce. Together, they form an indestructible block of love. Until the day when six-year-old Luce goes to school and becomes aware of her father's disability. Fearing that knowledge will drive them away forever, she decides not to learn anymore.

Born at 17

Je suis né à 17 ans

Thierry was a beaten child. He built himself against the violence suffered and has every reason to be proud of the result. But childhood traumas are still present, generating anxiety and a perpetual lack of self-confidence. The announcement of the imminent death of the father guilty of the brutality, and with whom Thierry has broken off all relations, sounds the hour of reckoning.

Bitter Paradise

Paradis Amers

Hugo reluctantly follows his parents following their transfer to Mayotte. The island is nothing like the vacation-brochure dream of the tropics. The only white kid on the island, and suddenly well-off compared to the relative poverty of the islanders, Hugo doesn't feel at home and rejects everything.

Thank god we have each other

Heureusement qu'on s'a

Vincent is 13, just entering his teens. He’s full of admiration for his father, who is unemployed and only really interested in football, claiming he’ll soon be hired as a professional trainer. On the other hand, he barely shows any interest in his wife, and even less in his children. Vincent, who shares his passion for football, thinks he has a special relationship with his father, and is very proud of this. Vincent's mother bears all the burden of taking care of the family, up to the day when she hits rock-bottom and tries to commit suicide, ending up in hospital with depression.



The life of longtime friends is turned upside down when one of them dies on the road after a drinking party, and his wife, now a widow, files a lawsuit against them.

L'Ami de Patagonie

The friend from Patagonia

Fred, Eddie et Mathieu ont passé leur enfance dans le même village du Cotentin. Adultes, leurs chemins ont bifurqué. Fred a repris l'hôtel de ses parents, Mathieu est resté à la ferme au côté de son père, quant à Eddie, il est devenu homme d'affaires en Patagonie.

Le coup du lapin


Samedi matin, dans une mairie de la banlieue parisienne. Toute la famille et les amis de Sophie et Jean sont réunis pour célébrer le mariage du couple. Mais à quelques minutes du début de la cérémonie, les principaux intéressés sont introuvables. Vingt-quatre heures plus tôt, les fiancés s'apprêtaient à enterrer leurs vies de célibataire?

Il court, il court, le furet

Run, run, ferret

Pierre et Marion sont mariés depuis trois ans. Il n'ont pas d'enfants, mais élèvent un facétieux furet du nom de Smack. Ils pensaient logiquement s'être dit oui pour la vie, pour le meilleur et pour le pire. Mais ce matin, ils ont rendez-vous avec le juge des affaires matrimoniales, pour une ultime tentative de conciliation avant de prononcer le divorce.



While Emmanuel dines in the coolness of the wine cellar along with his employees, something terrible happens; whether a man-made or natural disaster, we will never know, but the world as we know it is destroyed. Protected in the cellar, these 5 people are, or so it would seem, the sole survivors.



Séparés pendant dix-sept ans, ils éprouvent, l’un et l’autre, une profonde nostalgie pour cet amour malheureux... pendant la seconde guerre mondiale, le hasard va les réunir.

Confessions d'un menteur

Confessions of a liar

Un écrivain à succès, en panne d'inspiration et infidèle, est mis à la porte par son épouse, rédactrice en chef d'un mensuel people. Voulant la reconquérir à tout prix, l'homme imagine un stratagème qui va lui fournir la matière d'un nouveau livre : il va se déguiser et intégrer la rédaction de sa femme.

All the way


Solange lives in Clèves, a small village in Haute-Savoie. In the summer of her 15th year, she discovers the pleasure she can get from her body, and the new power it gives her over boys. What a revelation!



Two brave women, polar opposites, who form an unexpected duo. They have to learn how to overcome what separates them and share their secrets in order to protect the dispensary and the kids from the region’s dangers and a threat which is out of their league.

The Playground

La Cour

New student Anya (10 years old), arriving in the middle of the school year, disturbs the daily life of her fifth-grade class. After being hit in the head by a football, Anya realises that the playground is designed to favor boys, with girls relegated to the sides.

The Sleeping Beauty

La Belle Endormie

Il était une fois…Dans un Château quelque part dans un temps lointain. La fée Carabosse coupe le cordon ombilical d’un nouveau-né, une petite fille prénommée Anastasia. Trois jeunes fées écervelées surgissent, les joues rouges d’avoir couru…

Online Justice

Jugé sans Justice

A father is arrested for murder and a kidnapping attempt in a case three years old. Through the police station’s one-way mirror, 16-year-old Claire is sure she recognises Gustavo as the man who tried to kidnap her and killed her father while fleeing.

Saving Lisa

Sauver Lisa

Rose Keller, 35, is a substitute primary-school teacher. On one assignment she encounters Lisa, 8, an especially endearing pupil. But Rose soon realises that Lisa is suffering abuse at home, and that her life could even be in danger if no action is taken.


Basse saison

La Grande Motte, in the winter. A couple of 50-somethings on the verge of splitting up have to tempt fate to save their relationship and foil the mocking hand of fate which puts them on the trail of a bag full of money.

Owning It

Les Héritières

Sanou, a bright 15-year-old, starts at the famous Henri IV high school in Paris. In this prestigious institution, the young girl from the Saint-Denis outer suburbs finds herself dropped into a world a million miles from everything she knows.

The Diva of the High-Rises

Les Sandales blanches

It all begins in the early 60s, in a deprived neighbourhood just outside Paris inhabited by Algerian immigrants. Malika is 5, and her mum has just bought her a brand-new pair of sandals. They’re so white that the little girl can’t keep her eyes off them, and doesn’t see the reversing truck.



An apparently well-rounded woman hides a secret wound: her daughter Hortense was taken from her as she was only 3.



“I don’t own you, you don’t own me.” In theory everyone agrees, but reality is a bit more complicated. Four people form three couples. Two of the couples are lovers. Emma is with Léo, and Esther is with Waël. The third couple is a professional one, made up of Léo and Waël, who work together writing comic books. They spend more time with each other than they do with their girlfriends, but still love Emma and Esther. When Emma decides to explore new aspects of her bisexuality without Léo (but not without telling him), the love and friendship-balance of their group is shaken, as is Emma’s relationship with Léo.

Lucas is gone

Pour te retrouver

11-year-old Lucas vanishes one morning from his home. His disappearance throws his parents Marion and Alexis, who recently split up, into unbearable anguish, for their son is absolutely not prepared to face the outside world, being autistic and particularly fragile.



Politically committed student Aïcha fires up the campus by urging her law professor Moutari to get back into politics. Together they want to change the world. « It always seems impossible until it’s done! » (Nelson Mandela)

The Devil Inside

Le Diable au Coeur

Catherine Borowiak, 50 years old, is the head of a conditional release agency. Being in charge of 20 years old Hugo's case, recently released from jail on parole, she starts a relationship with him, a highly risky one.

The Silver Forest

La Forêt D'Argent

Roxana is a young Romanian nanny looking after 8-year-old Georges, the son of David and Elizabeth. David is a financier at the European Bank of Strasbourg. Working on a project for a motorway across Romania, David asks Roxana for some help.

Hungry For Love

Connexion Intime

In her new school, 15-year-old Chloé soon becomes a close friend of charismatic free spirit Luna. She also falls in love with Luna’s ex-boyfriend Félix, a bad boy with a poisonous charm who’s also a porn addict.

A New Life

Une Vie Après

Marion has fallen out of love with her husband. She decides to stop lying to herself, leave him, and live to the full rather than remain stuck in the reassuring routine of family life.

My Son

Au Nom du Fils

Following his mother’s death, Etienne goes travelling in Colombia. All of a sudden, his father Michel stops hearing from him. Michel is a steelworker in the Brest dockyards who has never travelled and speaks no foreign languages, yet decides to go looking for his son.

The Age of the Stateless

Le Temps des Egares

Sira, a former refugee, works as a translator for OFPRA (the French Office for the Protection of Stateless Persons and Migrants). She unscrupulously fleeces her clients, selling them fictions she creates to convince the authorities.



Two moments of Jonas’s life intertwine, each reflecting the other: in 1995, when he was a secretive teenager, and 18 years later, as an attractive and impulsive thirty-something looking for balance in his life.



After 20 years away, Isabelle, a former climbing champion, returns to her village in the Alps for the funeral of her mountain-guide father.



Robin, 23 years old, lives with his aunt in south of France. To make a living he babysits Victor, 11 years old. When he’s not working, Robin trains for his passion: Parkour.



Salif, a young Mauritanian of 18, is sent to Paris by his parents to find his older brother, whom they no longer hear from.