Suite noire : straight on for murder (Suite noire : Vitrage à la corde )

Director(s) : Laurent BOUHNIK
Author(s) : Laurent BOUHNIK
Producer(s) : AGORA FILMS
Cast : Manuel BLANC
Year : 2009
For : France 2, Arte, TV5 Monde

Following an unlucky car accident in which a young woman is burnt alive, Gabriel struggles to avoid getting fingered for the crime.

Suite noire : straight on for murder

Following an unlucky car accident in which a young woman is burnt alive, Gabriel struggles to avoid getting fingered for the crime. Luck’s against him, though, and whatever he tries, he gets lumbered with a body. In the end, he starts to get on pretty well with Death, murdering left, right and centre. He doesn’t skimp when his freedom is at stake. But a cop with a gammy leg is constantly getting under his feet, and seems determined to trip him up. And when a real serial killer gets in on the act, Gabriel finds it all a little too much to handle.

Gabriel Landry a tout pour être heureux : une femme aimante et deux enfants. Sa réussite professionnelle a été remarquable et il est maintenant directeur commercial. Il peut enfin s'acheter le 4x4 de ses rêves. Mais en raccompagnant une jeune élève stagiaire, il percute l'arrière d'une automobile et provoque un accident mortel. Suite à cet accident, Gabriel devient par la force des choses, mais surtout parce qu'il fuit ses responsabilités, un tueur en série ?

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