Ocean (Océan)

10x10' or 110'
Director(s) : OCÉAN
Author(s) : OCÉAN
Cast : OCÉAN
Year : 2019
For : Studio 4

The documentary series «Océan» is an intimate self-portrait of a trans man, already known by the public under his stage name Océanerosemarie, he is a comedian and true lesbian icon since his first show in 2009, "The Invisible Lesbian". Finally ready to face the social gaze, in May 2018, Océan decides to come out, change gender and assert himself as he is: a trans man.


The documentary series «Océan» is an intimate self-portrait of a trans man, already known by the public under his stage name Océanerosemarie, he is a comedian and true lesbian icon since his first show in 2009, "The Invisible Lesbian". Finally ready to face the social gaze, in May 2018, Océan decides to come out, change gender and assert himself as he is: a trans man.

Afraid of the gaze of others, of moving away from his loved ones, of seeing his status as an artist change, but also very impatient and happy to live this fantastic experience. How will Ocean go through all the physical, psychological, and sentimental stages of this "Woman to Man" transition?

La série documentaire « Océan » est un autoportrait intime d'un homme trans que les gens connaissaient jusque-là sous le nom d’artiste d'Océanerosemarie, humoriste et véritable icône lesbienne depuis son premier spectacle en 2009, « La Lesbienne Invisible ». Enfin prêt à affronter le regard social, en mai 2018, Océan décide de faire son coming out, de changer de genre et de s’affirmer tel qu’il est : un homme trans.

Peur du regard des autres, de s'éloigner de ses proches, de voir évoluer son statut d’artiste, mais aussi très impatient et heureux de vivre cette immense expérience. Comment Océan va-t-il traverser toutes les étapes physiques, psychologiques et sentimentales de cette transition « Femme vers Homme » ?

Selected by San Francisco International LGBT Film Festival 2019
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