Boileau-Narcejac : Sleight of hand (Boileau-Narcejac : La main passe )

Director(s) : Thierry PETIT
Author(s) : Antoine LACOMBLEZ
Marie-Christine BARRAULT
Antoine GOUY
Year : 2012
For : France 3, TV5

Arnaud Marescot has a thing about objects. He loves not only possessing them, but also the thrill he gets from stealing them. Now though, his obsessive interest is focused on Emilie, a young woman he witnessed committing a crime of passion.

Boileau-Narcejac : Sleight of hand
Based on a novel by Boileau and Narcejac, kings of the thriller and masters of suspense (The accidental lover, Castaway lovers).

Arnaud Marescot has a thing about objects. He loves not only possessing them, but also the thrill he gets from stealing them. Now though, his obsessive interest is focused on Emilie, a young woman he witnessed committing a crime of passion.

Having disposed of the murder weapon, Emilie thinks she's deprived Marescot of the means of blackmailing her. More than anything, Arnaud craves to possess this young woman, who so reminds him of the love of his life, who died tragically. He'll stop at nothing to spark her interest in him. But when Emily finds out that Marescot has the murder weapon, with which he could bring about her fall, she starts to play along with his game, even though it may mean she loses everything.

Adaptation de la collection Boileau Narcejac, théoriciens du roman policier et maitres du suspense (La vie en miettes, Les amants naufragés)

Arnaud Marescot aime les objets. Il aime les posséder, autant que le frisson que lui procure le fait de les voler. Mais ses obsessions vont désormais se focaliser sur Emilie. Cette jeune femme se rend coupable d’un meurtre passionnel, sous les yeux d’Arnaud.

En abandonnant l’arme du crime dans une poubelle, elle ne pensait pas offrir à Marescot le moyen de chantage dont elle sera bientôt la victime. Arnaud désire plus que tout de posséder cette jeune femme qui lui rappelle tant l’amour de sa vie, disparu tragiquement. Il ne reculera devant rien pour l’obliger à s’intéresser à lui. Mais quand Emilie comprend que Marescot détient l’arme et donc le moyen de la faire plonger, elle se résout alors à entrer dans son jeu … quitte à tout perdre ?

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