Xanadu (Xanadu )

Director(s) : PODZ
Jean-Philippe AMAR
Author(s) : Séverine BOSSCHEM
Producer(s) : HAUT ET COURT
Cast : Jean-Baptiste MALARTRE
Nathalie BLANC
Judith HENRY
Mathilde BISSON
Vanessa DEMOUY
Year : 2010
For : ARTE Orange Cinéma Séries

Every family business has a golden rule: compartmentalize. Xanadu isn’t any different. At the helm, Alex Valadine, the flamboyant patriarch…and the high priest of the French X-rated film industry.


Every family business has a golden rule: compartmentalize. Xanadu isn’t any different. On one side, the Valadine manor. On the other, the Xanadu offices. Between the two, a padded door with a digital lock. And at the helm, Alex Valadine, the flamboyant patriarch…and the high priest of the French X-rated film industry.


For over 40 years at Xanadu, porn filmmaking and family life have lived peacefully together under the same roof, without the slightest cultural clash. Yet everything changes after a traumatic attack by a young and deranged person. For during a commemorative celebration for the dazzling porn star Elise Jess, Alex’s ex-wife, gunshots break out. The Valadine’s oldest son, Laurent, is in the line of fire. He collapses.


While Xanadu reels, Alex refuses to see that the world has changed since his early 70’s free-will adventure: the company is struggling to keep up with the 21st century, and the family is no longer able to hide the cracks in its varnish. Who is holding a grudge against the “porn” family? Why are the different members of the family still consumed by Elise even after her death? How can the Valadines free themselves from their past? Will Alex finally let his children, Sarah and Lapo, take over the family business?

Les Valadine sont une famille comme les autres, avec ses névroses, ses conflits, et ses complicités. Une famille comme les autres à un détail près : ils doivent gérer l’empire du sexe qu’ils ont reçu en héritage.

Depuis 40 ans à Xanadu, pornographie et famille cohabitent sans jamais se téléscoper : au rez de chaussée du manoir, l’entreprise de production de films X, et dans les étages la famille Valadine. Mais alors qu’on célère la mémoire d’Elise Jess, pornostar fulgurante des années 1980 et épouse du patriarche Alex Valadine, un accident tragique change la donne.

La page libertaire se tourne, Xanadu peine à prendre le virage du XXIème siècle et la famille ne dissimule plus ses fêlures. Alex laissera-t-il enfin ses enfants prendre le relais?

Trailer Xanadu

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