The Rival (La Rivale )

Director(s) : Alain NAHUM
Author(s) : Danièle THOMPSON
Cast : Michèle MORGAN
Year : 1999
Shot in : Super 16

For years, Judith has been waiting for Gabriel to retire. Finally, he decides to go for it, and they organise a party to celebrate. While they are dancing in front of their happy friends, Gabriel falls down struck by a heart attack. He quickly recovers but he starts behaving strangely.

The Rival

For years, Judith has been waiting for Gabriel to retire. Finally, he decides to go for it, and they organise a party to celebrate. While they are dancing in front of their happy friends, Gabriel falls down struck by a heart attack. He quickly recovers but he starts behaving strangely.

He often disappears without explanations. Judith discovers he cuts himself off in order to pray. Since the day he almost died, he has had existential worries. She understands he actually wants to leave her and to embrace Holy Orders. Judith is an atheist. Religion is now a rival. She will have to fight to win Gabriel back. The key question is : does their life together still has a meaning.

Depuis des années, Judith attend que Gabriel prenne sa retraite. Il se décide enfin. On donne une fête. Et là, en dansant le rock devant leurs invités ébahis, Gabriel fait un infarctus. Physiquement, il se rétablit vite. Mais son comportement devient étrange.

Il s’absente sans fournir d’explications convaincantes. Judith découvre bientôt qu’il s’isole pour prier. Depuis qu’il a frôlé la mort, il traverse une crise mystique. Rapidement, elle en mesure l’ampleur : il veut la quitter pour entrer dans les ordres. Judith est profondément athée. Pour elle, la religion est une inconnue qui devient soudain une rivale. Elle va se battre pour reconquérir Gabriel. Ils seront ainsi obligés d’aller jusqu’au bout d’eux-mêmes pour savoir si leur vie à deux a toujours un sens.

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