Dancing forever (Fais danser la poussière)

Director(s) : Christian FAURE
Author(s) : Bruno TARDON
Marie DÔ
based on a Marie DÔ novel
Producer(s) : ELOA Prod
Cast : Tatiana SEGUIN
Year : 2009
For : France 2, RTBF

Raised by her Breton mother in an entirely white environment, Maya, a young biracial girl, sets out in search of the other half of her story. Despite a world without leniency, kindness, or generosity towards her, she manages to rise to the top of her art: dance. The greatest choreographer of the moment takes her into an even more ruthless jungle: New York.

Dancing forever

Raised by her Breton mother in an entirely white environment, Maya, a young biracial girl, sets out in search of the other half of her story. Despite a world without leniency, kindness, or generosity towards her, she manages to rise to the top of her art: dance. The greatest choreographer of the moment takes her into an even more ruthless jungle: New York.

Élevée par sa mère Bretonne, dans un milieu totalement blanc, Maya, petite métisse, part à la recherche de l'autre moitié de son histoire. Malgré ce monde sans indulgence, sans complaisance, ni générosité à son égard, elle parvient à se hisser au sommet de son art : la danse. Le plus grand chorégraphe du moment l'emmène dans une jungle encore plus cruelle : New York.

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