The Age of the Stateless (Le Temps des Egares)

Director(s) : Virginie SAUVEUR
Author(s) : Gaëlle BELLAN
Virginie SAUVEUR
Producer(s) : DELANTE TV
Cast : Claudia TAGBO
Year : 2017
For : Arte, TV5 Monde

Sira, a former refugee, works as a translator for OFPRA (the French Office for the Protection of Stateless Persons and Migrants). She unscrupulously fleeces her clients, selling them fictions she creates to convince the authorities.

The Age of the Stateless

Sira, a former refugee, works as a translator for OFPRA (the French Office for the Protection of Stateless Persons and Migrants). She unscrupulously fleeces her clients, selling them fictions she creates to convince the authorities. But a series of encounters will work away at her cynicism...

522 000 viewers / 2,4% market share

Ancienne réfugiée, Sira est traductrice pour l'OFPRA, l'organisme chargé de l'attribution du droit d'Asile en France. Sans aucun scrupule vis-à-vis des demandeurs, elle leur vend au prix fort des odyssées mensongères mais susceptibles de convaincre les autorités. Un enchaînement de rencontres vont avoir raison de son cynisme...

522 000 tvspectateurs / 2,4% de part d'audience

Best TV Movie, Best Scenario & Best Original Score Awards at Luchon Festival 2018
Public Prize at FIPA 2018
Best TV Movie Award at COLCOA Festival 2018
Public Prize at Prix Europa 2018 - TV Iris
Best Movie and Best Female Actress for Claudia Tagbo at Barcelona Zoom Festival
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