The Quiet Woman (La Femme Tranquille)

Director(s) : Thierry BINISTI
Author(s) : Daniel TONACHELLA
Cast : Line RENAUD
Pierre MONDY
Richard SAMMEL
Year : 2008
For : France 3

January 1943. France is under occupation. Louise is 70, and in her bar everyone likes to forget about the war. The militiamen at the counter are customers like anyone else, and no one complains that her meals depend on black-market produce. Her serenity is disturbed, however, by a cry for help from an English airman who falls from the sky... just like an angel.

The Quiet Woman

January 1943. France is under occupation. Louise is 70, and in her bar everyone likes to forget about the war. The militiamen at the counter are customers like anyone else, and no one complains that her meals depend on black-market produce.

Her serenity is disturbed, however, by a cry for help from an English airman who falls from the sky... just like an angel. Louise decides to help him. Helped by half-friend, half-lover Emile, she gets the newcomer to her cellar and hides him there, despite the danger. Without even realising it, Louise has joined the Resistance.

Janvier 1943. La France est occupée. Chez Louise, 70 ans, on oublierait pourtant volontiers la guerre. Les miliciens accoudés au bar sont des clients comme les autres, et s'il faut s'approvisionner au marché noir pour servir une cuisine digne de ce nom, personne ne trouve à y redire...

Quelques mots, pourtant, vont briser cette sérénité. Ces mots, ce sont les appels au secours murmurés par un parachutiste anglais tombé du ciel, tel un ange. Émue, Louise va décider de lui porter secours. Avec l'aide d'Emile, mi-camarade, mi-amant, elle transporte le nouveau venu dans sa cave, où elle le cache, malgré le danger. Sans même en avoir conscience, Louise vient de basculer dans la résistance...

Trailer VF

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