Wara (Wara)

Director(s) : Oumar DIACK
Author(s) : Charli BELETEAU
in coproduction with TV5MONDE
Cast : Issaka SAWADOGO
France Nancy GOULIAN
Maimouna N’DIAYE
Souleymane JULO
Year : 2020
For : TV5 Monde

Politically committed student Aïcha fires up the campus by urging her law professor Moutari to get back into politics. Together they want to change the world. « It always seems impossible until it’s done! » (Nelson Mandela)


Politically committed student Aïcha fires up the campus by urging her law professor Moutari to get back into politics. Together they want to change the world. « It always seems impossible until it’s done! » (Nelson Mandela)

Fifty-something Moutari Warra is a top law professor, teaching at the university of his adopted hometown, Tanasanga. He shares much of his private life with the rector Ganka Barry, their passion for horse-racing making them close friends. Through Ganka he meets Félicité, who becomes his wife and with whom he has a daughter, Didjé. At the university, the best students flock to his classes, drawn by his charisma and his specilisation in constitutional law. A special relationship develops between him and his best student, the young and bright Aïcha Diallo. But their professor-student relationship is not an easy one, beset as it is by a generational and conflictual mismatch.

"The African Borgen" L'Obs

Aïcha, étudiante engagée, enflamme le campus en poussant son prof de droit Moutari à reprendre la vie politique. Ensemble, ils vont vouloir changer le monde…  « Cela semble toujours impossible jusqu’à ce qu’on le fasse ! » (Nelson Mandela)

Moutari Warra, la cinquantaine, est un brillant professeur de droit qui exerce à l’université de Tanasanga, sa ville d’adoption. Il construit sa vie privée grâce au soutien du recteur Ganka Barry. Ils partagent la passion des courses hippiques et deviennent de proches amis. Ganka lui permet de faire la connaissance de sa future épouse Félicité avec qui il a une fille, Didjé. À l’université, les meilleurs étudiants s’invitent à son cours, attirés par son charisme et sa spécialité de Droit Constitutionnel. Une relation privilégiée s’instaure avec la plus forte d’entre eux, la jeune et pétillante Aïcha Diallo. L’histoire de Moutari et Aïcha n’est pas un fleuve tranquille. Leur relation professeur-étudiante est nourrie de rapports conflictuels et générationnels.

"Le Borgen africain" L'Obs

International Panorama BEST SERIES nomination at SERIES MANIA 2020
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