The ideal couple (Un couple modèle )

Director(s) : Charlotte BRÄNDSTRÖM
Author(s) : Jean-Claude ISLERT
Producer(s) : MADE IN PM
Cast : Pierre ARDITI
Bernard LE COQ
Year : 2001
For : TF1
Shot in : Super 16

Roman and Thomas are both going through a divorce and meet each other while in court for their respective conciliation hearing. One day, Thomas just ring at Romain’s place, asking him to help out -just for the night. But the days and nights go by. As cohabitation is becoming increasingly tigh.

The ideal couple

Roman and Thomas are both going through a divorce and meet each other while in court for their respective conciliation hearing. If Romain (Bernard Le Coq) already regrets his decision, Thomas (Pierre Arditi), however, seems to take the situation casually.

Kicked out of his apartment, Thomas just ring at Romain’s place, asking him to help out – just for the night. But the days and nights go by. As cohabitation is becoming increasingly tight, it also turns comical between these two men…

Romain et Thomas sont l’un et l’autre en instance de divorce et font connaissance au tribunal lors de l’audience de conciliation. Si Romain (Bernard Le Coq) regrette déjà sa décision, Thomas (Pierre Arditi) en revanche, semble prendre la situation avec désinvolture.

Mis à la porte de son appartement, Thomas vient sonner chez Romain, lui demandant de le dépanner juste pour une nuit. Mais les jours et les nuits se succèdent. Si la cohabitation devient de plus en plus tendue, elle se révèle cocasse pour ces deux hommes que tout oppose…

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