The Devil Inside (Le Diable au Coeur)

Director(s) : Christian FAURE
Author(s) : Bernard MINIER
Producer(s) : FRENCH CANCAN
Cast : Zabou BREITMAN
Year : 2019
For : France 2, TV5 Monde

Catherine Borowiak, 50 years old, is the head of a conditional release agency. Being in charge of 20 years old Hugo's case, recently released from jail on parole, she starts a relationship with him, a highly risky one.

The Devil Inside

Catherine Borowiak, 50 years old, is the head of a conditional release agency. Being in charge of 20 years old Hugo's case, recently released from jail on parole, she starts a relationship with him, a highly risky one. 

When she becomes conscious of the threat this passion for a dangerous and manipulative young man represents for her family and her marriage, is there still time to avoid the consequences?

Catherine Borowiak, la petite cinquantaine, est directrice d’une agence du Service Pénitentiaire d’Insertion et de Probation (SPIP). Alors qu’elle est en charge du dossier de Hugo, un jeune homme de vingt ans, récemment sorti de prison, elle laisse s’installer entre eux une relation dangereuse…

Quand elle prend conscience du péril que représente pour sa famille et son mariage sa passion dévastatrice pour ce jeune homme manipulateur et dangereux, sera-t-il encore temps d’éviter le pire ?

Selected for the Luchon TV creations Festival 2020
Most promising male actor prize awarded to Maxence Danet-Fauvel and Feliw Lefebvre by the Luchon Festival 2020
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