Festival, when my village fights back (Festival, quand mon village résiste)

Director(s) : Tom GRAFFIN
Producer(s) : NOLITA TV
Year : 2020
For : France 3

Every spring for 20 years Saint-Laurent-de-Cuves in Normandy has been hosting one of France biggest music festivals, bringing more than 70,000 people to this village of only 480 inhabitants. Years ago, when the small village, like many others in the French countryside, started to lose many of its inhabitants, a handful of them decided to create a musical event: the Papillons de Nuit (P2N) festival.

Festival, when my village fights back

Every spring for 20 years Saint-Laurent-de-Cuves in Normandy has been hosting one of France biggest music festivals, bringing more than 70,000 people to this village of only 480 inhabitants. Years ago, when the small village, like many others in the French countryside, started to lose many of its inhabitants, a handful of them decided to create a musical event: the Papillons de Nuit (P2N) festival.

The organisers are keen to perpetuate this miracle, a symbol of the power of local initiative, which has attracted stars such as Stromae, David Guetta and Sting to the local pastures. The festival is organised solely by volunteers, but today they’re struggling to keep the event alive, facing competition from major private companies, a rise in artists’ fees, the burden of security costs and health risks. For how long will they be able to keep the event alive?

Saint-Laurent-de-Cuves, Normandie. Chaque année depuis 20 ans, un village de 480 âmes accueille plus de 70 000 personnes durant 3 jours… Ce village, c’est une minuscule bourgade en plein cœur de la Normandie rurale ; un bourg comme il y en a tant en France, et qui se vidait inexorablement de ses habitants. Pourtant, une poignée de riverains a décidé de prendre les choses en main en créant un évènement musical : le festival Papillons de Nuit (P2N).

Aujourd’hui un symbole du pouvoir de l’initiative locale, la prochaine édition a pour objectif de perpétuer ce miracle qui a vu Stromae, David Guetta, Sting ou Orelsan fouler les « pâturages » locaux. Mais ce festival associatif, organisé entièrement par des bénévoles, fait aujourd’hui face à des difficultés : concurrence des grands groupes privés, explosion des cachets artistiques, poids des coûts de sécurité, risques sanitaires... Pour combien de jours, combien de nuits, encore, pourront-ils maintenir le miracle ?

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