Albert Camus, a love for living (Albert Camus, amour de vivre )

Director(s) : Luis ORTAS
Author(s) : Joana MAS
Year : 2010
For : IB3 and TV3 Catalunya

We discover Camus from a new angle, his Minorcan origins.

Albert Camus, a love for living

We discover Camus from a new angle, his Minorcan origins.

In the posthumous book of Camus The first man, he speaks about the minorcan origins of his ancestors. Using this book as a guide we do a research on his roots, on the life in Algeria, on the relationship with his mother , on his love for the Mediterranean culture, faithfully reflected on his work, on his pride to have blood from Spain and his influences and the weight that this had in his literature. The documentary was shot in Algeria, Spain and France and contains interviews with close friends and experts of the Nobel Prize, as Jean Daniel, Robert Gallimard or Jean Grenier.

Le film présente Camus sous un jour nouveau : à travers ses origines Minorquines.

L’édition posthume du livre Le Premier Homme, ouvrage inachevé, a permis de de révéler au grand public, entre autres détails autobiographiques, les racines minorquines de sa famille. Il s’agit précisément de traiter de ce thème dans le documentaire sur Camus: ses origines, sa vie en Algérie avec sa mère et sa grand-mère, toutes deux minorquines, son amour pour la Méditerranée fidèlement reflétée dans son oeuvre, sa fierté de ses origines minorquines / espagnoles.

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