Simon's Law (La loi de Simon )

Director(s) : Didier LE PÊCHEUR
Author(s) : Céline GUYOT
Martin GUYOT
Producer(s) : FIT PRODUCTION
Cast : Daniel PREVOST
Nicolas GOB
Geneviève MNICH
Jeanne ROSA
Year : 2016
For : France 3, RTS, RTBF

Simon Varlet is a brilliant and cynical lawyer, more sensitive to the amount of his fees than to the interest of the justice or the respect of the business ethics.

Simon's Law

Simon Varlet is a brilliant and cynical lawyer, more sensitive to the amount of his fees than to the interest of the justice or the respect of the business ethics. Exceeded by his overflow, his president of the bar commits him to assure the defense of Philippe Moreau, a young priest accused of having killed one of his parishioners. Little concerned by the affair, and allergic to any religions as an ideal form, Simon is convinced that his customer is guilty ... but agrees however to plead the acquittal in front of the criminal court, the absence of indisputable proof that must allow the hotshot lawyer to sow doubt in mind of the members of the jury.

But nothing goes according to his plan ...

2.9M of viewers, 12% market share

Simon Varlet est un avocat brillant et cynique, plus sensible au montant de ses honoraires qu'à l'intérêt de la justice ou au respect de la déontologie. Excédé par ses débordements, son bâtonnier le commet d'office pour assurer la défense de Philippe Moreau, un jeune prêtre accusé d'avoir tué un de ses paroissiens. Peu concerné par l'affaire, et allergique aux religions comme à toute forme d'idéal, Simon est persuadé que son client est coupable ... mais accepte cependant de plaider l'acquittement devant la cour d'Assises, l'absence de preuve incontestable devant permettre au ténor du barreau de semer le doute dans l'esprit des jurés. Mais rien ne se passe comme prévu ...

2,9M de téléspectateurs, 12% de PdA

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