The child who fell from the sky (L'enfant tombée du ciel )

Director(s) : Damiano DAMIANI
Author(s) : Damiano DAMIANI
Producer(s) : Alizés Films
Cast : Brigitte FOSSEY
Catherine LEPRINCE
Year : 1995
For : TF1

Tilly, a little Yougoslavian girl, lives alone with her mother Sonia in Bosnia, in the midst of bombings. Just before Alex(forty year old business man has just arrived from France) leaves, Sonia asks him to do her a favor - she wants him to take Tilly and leave her in the care of some family friends, the Ludovics.

The child who fell from the sky

Tilly, a little Yougoslavian girl, lives alone with her mother Sonia in Bosnia, in the midst of bombings, shoot-outs and all the horros that war has to offer. Alex, a forty year old business man has just arrived from France, sent to deal with certain complaints concerning food deliveries supplied by his company. The case is being followed up by Sonia, and that is how the two meet. Such a strong relationship develops between them that it is easy to think that they had been friends forever and had shared a thousand years of memories…Just before Alex leaves, Sonia asks him to do her a favor - she wants him to take Tilly and leave her in the care of some family friends, the Ludovics. She herself would follow later on. Alex accepts whole-heartedly and does not even allow himself a moment’s hesitation. But upon his return to France, he discovers that the Ludovics no longer live at the address Sonia had given him…What shall he do with Tilly…

Tilly, une petite Yougoslave, vit seule avec sa mère Sonia en Bosnie, au milieu des bombardements, des fusillades, et de toutes les horreurs que la guerre peut offrir. Alex, 40 ans, homme d’affaires, arrive en France, chargé de régler certains litiges liés aux livraisons de denrées alimentaires que sa société fournit. Son interlocutrice est Sonia, on devine entre eux une amitié de longues dates et de beaux souvenirs plein la tête…Juste avant qu’Alex ne reparte, Sonia lui demande une faveur : ramener Tilly en France avec lui et la laisser chez des amis, les Ludovic, où elle viendra plus tard la rejoindre. Alex accepte de bon cœur, il ne se donne pas le droit à l’hésitation. Mais les Ludovic n’habitent plus à l’adresse indiquée…Que faire de Tilly…?

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