Wara - Season 2 (Wara - Saison 2)

Director(s) : Oumar DIACK
Author(s) : Charli BELETEAU
Christall Productions & CO
in coproduction with TV5MONDE
Cast : Issaka SAWADOGO
France Nancy GOULIAN
Maimouna N’DIAYE
Souleymane SEYE N'DIAYE
Year : 2023
For : TV5 Monde

Moutari Wara shankes candidate Ganka Barry with information about the embezzlement of funds on a recycling center that was never built. But the unexpected return of his wife and daughter who had been taken hostage puts him in check against his opponent, who paid the ransom for their release.

Wara - Season 2

Moutari Wara shankes candidate Ganka Barry with information about the embezzlement of funds on a recycling center that was never built. But the unexpected return of his wife and daughter who had been taken hostage puts him in check against his opponent, who paid the ransom for their release. In reaction, Aïcha Diallo decides to reveal that Ganka is the hidden son of the Vice-President of the country, El Hadj, but to everyone's surprise, the city council's vote places Ganka in the chair of mayor of Tanasanga.

Meanwhile Aïcha learns of the existence of a father, and grows out of her discovery of Papa Salim, a hermit who has lived in a forest reserve for years. A charismatic Aïcha at the head of a youth movement then propels herself as a candidate in the mayoral elections when Ganka resignes after an existential crisis.

MOUTARI WARA déstabilise le candidat GANKA BARRY au sujet du détournement de fonds sur une déchèterie qui n’a jamais été construite. Mais le retour inattendu de sa femme et sa fille qui ont été prises en otages le met en échec face à son opposant qui a payé la rançon pour leur libération. En réaction, AÏCHA DIALLO décide de révéler que Ganka est le fils caché du Vice-Président du pays, EL HADJ.

À la surprise générale, le vote du conseil municipal place Ganka dans le fauteuil du maire de Tanasanga tandis que Aïcha apprend l’existence d’un père, et sort grandie de sa découverte de Papa Salim, un ermite qui vit dans une réserve forestière depuis des années. Et c’est une Aïcha charismatique à la tête d’un mouvement de la jeunesse qui se propulse comme candidate aux élections de la mairie depuis que Ganka en pleine crise existentielle a donné sa démission.

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