Thank god we have each other (Heureusement qu'on s'a)

Director(s) : Anne GIAFFERI
Author(s) : Anne GIAFFERI
Producer(s) : Caminando Productions, Shine Fiction
Cast : Oscar PAULEAU
Eliott FURIC
Zinedine SOUALEM
Year : 2022
For : France 2, RTBF, TV5 Monde

Vincent is 13, just entering his teens. He’s full of admiration for his father, who is unemployed and only really interested in football, claiming he’ll soon be hired as a professional trainer. On the other hand, he barely shows any interest in his wife, and even less in his children. Vincent, who shares his passion for football, thinks he has a special relationship with his father, and is very proud of this. Vincent's mother bears all the burden of taking care of the family, up to the day when she hits rock-bottom and tries to commit suicide, ending up in hospital with depression.

Thank god we have each other

Vincent is 13, just entering his teens. He’s full of admiration for his father, who is unemployed and only really interested in football, claiming he’ll soon be hired as a professional trainer. On the other hand, he barely shows any interest in his wife, and even less in his children. Vincent, who shares his passion for football, thinks he has a special relationship with his father, and is very proud of this. Vincent's mother bears all the burden of taking care of the family, up to the day when she hits rock-bottom and tries to commit suicide, ending up in hospital with depression. Vincent, 10-year-old Clément, and 7-year-old Clara now turn to their father for their care. But he clearly has no intention of assuming his role as a father. Separated from his mother and abandoned by an inadequate father, Vincent will have to take care of Clément and Clara himself. Little by little he comes to understand that the father he saw as a hero is nothing more than a boastful, lying, irresponsible, and selfish man. Tired of waiting for something which is never going to happen, Vincent chooses to take things in hand himself.

Vincent a 13 ans, l’âge où l’on bascule vers l’adolescence ; il a une admiration sans borne pour son père ; ce dernier, au chômage, s’occupe surtout de foot, prétendant devenir bientôt entraineur professionnel ; en revanche, il s’occupe peu de sa femme et encore moins de ses enfants. Seul Vincent, qui partage sa passion du foot, a une relation qu’il croit privilégiée avec son père, ce dont il tire une grande fierté. La mère de Vincent, elle, supporte toutes les charges et responsabilités jusqu’au jour où, à bout, elle fait une tentative de suicide et se retrouve hospitalisée pour dépression.. La fratrie, Vincent, Clément (10 ans) et Clara (7 ans), se tourne alors vers son père, mais ce dernier n’a clairement aucune envie d’assumer son rôle de père. Coupé de sa mère, abandonné par un père défaillant, Vincent va devoir prendre en charge Clément et Clara ; et comprendre peu à peu que ce père qu’il voyait comme un héros n’est en fait qu’un vantard, menteur, irresponsable et égoïste ; A force d’attendre quelque chose qui ne vient jamais, Vincent choisira de reprendre sa vie en main..

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