The beautiful Spark (La Belle Étincelle)

Director(s) : Hervé MIRMAN
Author(s) : Béatrice FOURNERA
Caroline FRANC
Producer(s) : Summertime
Cast : Bernard CAMPAN
Mélanie DOUTEY
Lionnel ASTIER
Year : 2023
For : M6

While being caught in a controversy that has tarnished his image, Philippe Lamarck, a brilliant starred chef with a complicated character, pushes the door of the restaurant La Belle Étincelle to take control of the kitchen. What he doesn't know is that this restaurant is not like the others... Virginie, the manager, to enable Noé, her son with autism achieve his dream of becoming a cook, set up an inclusive restaurant, hiring only young people with cognitive disabilities.

The beautiful Spark

While being caught in a controversy that has tarnished his image, Philippe Lamarck, a brilliant starred chef with a complicated character, pushes the door of the restaurant La Belle Étincelle to take control of the kitchen. What he doesn't know is that this restaurant is not like the others... Virginie, the manager, to enable Noé, her son with autism achieve his dream of becoming a cook, set up an inclusive restaurant, hiring only young people with cognitive disabilities.

2.1M Viewers / 10.6 % Market Share

Alors qu’il essuie une polémique ayant entaché son image, Philippe Lamarck, brillant chef étoilé au caractère compliqué, pousse la porte du restaurant La Belle Étincelle pour y prendre les commandes de la cuisine. Ce qu’il ne sait pas, c’est que ce restaurant n’est pas comme les autres... Virginie, la gérante, pour permettre à Noé, son fils atteint de troubles autistiques de réaliser son rêve et de devenir cuisinier, a monté un restaurant inclusif et embauché uniquement des jeunes porteurs de handicaps cognitifs.

2.1 Millions de Téléspectateurs / 10.6 % de Part de Marché
Selected at La Rochelle 2023
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