Murder in Les Saintes (Le Fantôme des Saintes)

Director(s) : Marc BARRAT
Author(s) : Pierre LE GALL
Producer(s) : Eloa Prod
Cast : Anne DÉCIS
France ZOBDA
Year : 2023
For : France TV, TV5, RTS, RTBF

The heavenly archipelago of Les Saintes. The body of Caroline Boissaux, owner of the Hotel Torment d'Amour, is found at the bottom of a cliff. Like the legend of Caroline: a saintoise in love with the Chevalier de Fréminville who, out of amorous spite, threw herself from the same cliff 200 years earlier. Captain Gaëlle Boissaux's investigation takes a personal turn when her childhood sweetheart, Ludovic Augustin, is sent to the island to support her. And the investigators are not at the end of their surprises: in addition to a romantic investigation that resonates with their past history, they must apprehend a ghost who is terrorizing the population! Some say it would be the ghost of Caroline...

Murder in Les Saintes

The heavenly archipelago of Les Saintes. The body of Caroline Boissaux, owner of the Hotel Torment d'Amour, is found at the bottom of a cliff. Like the legend of Caroline: a saintoise in love with the Chevalier de Fréminville who, out of amorous spite, threw herself from the same cliff 200 years earlier. Captain Gaëlle Boissaux's investigation takes a personal turn when her childhood sweetheart, Ludovic Augustin, is sent to the island to support her. And the investigators are not at the end of their surprises: in addition to a romantic investigation that resonates with their past history, they must apprehend a ghost who is terrorizing the population! Some say it would be the ghost of Caroline...

L’archipel paradisiaque des Saintes. Le corps de Caroline Boissaux, propriétaire de l'Hôtel Tourment d'Amour, est retrouvé en bas d’une falaise. Comme la légende de Caroline : une saintoise amoureuse du Chevalier de Fréminville qui par dépit amoureux, s’est jetée de la même falaise 200 ans plus tôt. L’enquête de la Capitaine Gaëlle Boissaux prend une tournure personnelle quand son amour de jeunesse, Ludovic Augustin, est mandaté sur l’île pour l’épauler. Et les enquêteurs ne sont pas au bout de leurs surprises : en plus d’une enquête romanesque qui résonne avec leur histoire passée, ils doivent appréhender un fantôme qui terrorise la population ! Certains disent qu’il s’agirait du fantôme de Caroline...
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