Black as the Snow 2 (Noir comme Neige 2 )

Director(s) : Eric VALETTE
Author(s) : Olivier BERCLAZ, Anne-Charlotte KASSAB, based on an original idea by Elizabeth ARNAC in collaboration with Nabil DRISSI
Producer(s) : LIZLAND FILMS
Cast : Laurent GERRA
Clémentine POIDATZ
Pierre Kiwitt
Year : 2023
For : France 2, RTBF, RTS

When an SUV used for a robbery in Switzerland is discovered crushed at the bottom of a cliff in the French mountains, Officer Constance Vivier of the PGHM must once again team up with Captain Meyer of the Swiss police to find the 3 robbers on the run and their loot. But the discovery of the corpse of one of them suggests that someone else is trying to get a hold on this treasure lost in the peaks. Captain Meyer leads the investigation while trying to keep a link with his daughter Violette in rebellion against him.

Black as the Snow 2

When an SUV used for a robbery in Switzerland is discovered crushed at the bottom of a cliff in the French mountains, Officer Constance Vivier of the PGHM must once again team up with Captain Meyer of the Swiss police to find the 3 robbers on the run and their loot. But the discovery of the corpse of one of them suggests that someone else is trying to get a hold on this treasure lost in the peaks. Captain Meyer leads the investigation while trying to keep a link with his daughter Violette in rebellion against him.

5.1M Viewers / 22.9 % Market Share

Lorsqu’un SUV ayant servi pour un braquage en suisse est découvert écrasé en bas d’une falaise dans les montagnes françaises, l’adjudant Constance Vivier du PGHM doit à nouveau faire équipe avec le capitaine Meyer de la police suisse pour retrouver les 3 braqueurs en fuite et leur butin. Mais la découverte du cadavre de l’un d’entre eux laisse à penser que quelqu’un d’autre cherche à s’approprier ce trésor perdu dans les cimes. Le capitaine Meyer mène l’enquête tout en essayant de garder un lien avec sa fille Violette en rébellion contre lui.

5.1 Millions de Téléspectateurs / 22.9 % de Part de Marché 

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