Fictions - Comedy

The man who died

The man who died

6x45' + S2 in production'
Jaakko, a mushroom entrepreneur, finds out too late that he has been fatally slow-poisoned by persons unknown. He sets out to find the culprits before he dies.



6x30' + S2 in production'
A sharp-witted tale of an oddly familiar family. Black, Buddhist, White, Irish, or Muslim— people are people. We follow three young sisters living in Dublin, and their Irish/Egyptian dad who, after a tragic incident, finds himself having to raise his three daughters alone. That is until his irresponsible younger brother moves in to ‘help’ and never leaves. Meet the Amin family—the new fighting Irish.

The Test

A l'épreuve

Ambre, 20, is studying law, encouraged by her modest parents who dream of her becoming a lawyer. When an unexpected baby arrives, everything falls apart.

The New Kid

Le Nouveau

At a time when his marriage is on the rocks and his company is in danger of being taken over, Christophe Berthier suffers a stroke. He does everything to hide it, but he can no longer read or write...



Louise, an antique dealer in the city center, has been a widow for 20 years and has never moved on in life. This woman with graying hair and a retiree's appearance doesn't bother anyone. However, Louise is only 43 years old. The reason she tries to appear 70 is that she sees men's attention as a real danger.

Cheers to joy

A la joie

In March 2020, Véra, a lawyer from Montpellier, returned to Paris to visit her parents. The country was abuzz with rumors of a spreading virus and an impending lockdown. As the first measures were announced, Véra decided to stay in Paris and lied to her fiancé Mehdi, who was waiting for her in Montpellier. She found refuge in an apartment lent by a friend who had just left the capital. Amidst the anxiety of this unfamiliar situation and the relief of sudden solitude, Véra began to settle in. She crossed paths with Sam...

The beautiful Spark

La Belle Étincelle

While being caught in a controversy that has tarnished his image, Philippe Lamarck, a brilliant starred chef with a complicated character, pushes the door of the restaurant La Belle Étincelle to take control of the kitchen. What he doesn't know is that this restaurant is not like the others... Virginie, the manager, to enable Noé, her son with autism achieve his dream of becoming a cook, set up an inclusive restaurant, hiring only young people with cognitive disabilities.

Somebody to love

Le premier venu

Gina is about to marry Mathieu. She’s swimming in happiness, until one evening when, returning home, she discovers that all of Mathieu’s things disappeared... It's not a burglary, she’s been dumped. She is devastated. Her best friend advises her to sleep with the first comer, just to regain some self-esteem.

Trouble Mum

Mère indigne

Rachel, 40, celebrates her divorce in her own way: long, joyfully and very loudly; she has just obtained a comfortable pension, the apartment with a terrace and joint custody of her daughter, Rosa, 7 years old. But she quickly hits a wall when she discovers that her ex-husband, Yanis, is now dating her lawyer!

Louis 28

Louis 28

2021, in a France where the monarchy never has been abolished, Samia painfully raises her son, born of a failed relationship with an aristocrat 16 years earlier, and who’s going through his teenage crisis. When a plane crash takes the lives of the entire royal family, she receives an unexpected visit: her son is the heir to the throne of France.

Carpe Diem

Carpe Diem

An apocalyptic comedy without an apocalypse. The end of the world is announced. An asteroid will hit Earth in a few days. For humanity, the announcement of the end means the beginning of anarchy. For Akim, Julie and Kevin, three teenagers slightly lost and rejected by others, a race against time begins to achieve everything they 'have always wanted to do'. But against all odds, the asteroid only skims the earth. Then the world only wakes up with a terrible hangover...

I do

I do

Zoe, a French woman immigrating in Brooklyn, is desperately trying to find a husband so she can get a visa and work as a Cabaret Singer in New York.

The Good-time Girls

Les Michetonneuses

Three young women. Eden is of Lebanese origin, Maya is Gallic, and they are both gorgeous. Anissa, of African origin, is starting to put on some serious weight. Eden wants to get out of the “compensated dating” game, Maya is happy to carry on, and Anissa would like to do the same, but with her weight…

The Family Show

Le Family Show

The whole neighbourhood is in a fervour as two families, the Riouxs and the Cléments, take part in an important event on the same day. The Riouxs are a coming-together of France’s Auvergne region and Polynesia, while the Cléments are a mix of the Caribbean and Africa. And the two families share a family secret.



Amine, a brilliant professor at the University of Bordeaux, has been in bad terms with his father for years.

Les Fées du Logis

Les Fées du Logis

La déclaration d’impôts ou la lettre strictement personnelle qui traînent sur le bureau, les médicaments d’une armoire à pharmacie, une conversation téléphonique surprise par hasard, des draps changés trop souvent ou pas assez... Les femmes de ménage ont accès, souvent bien malgré elles, à tous ces indices qui révèlent plus de la vie de leurs clients que ces derniers ne le voudraient.

Welcome in Bouchon

Bienvenue à Bouchon

Bouchon est un trou perdu qu’on ne repère même pas sur une carte de France. Pour maintenir la commune en vie, le Maire subventionne ses administrés pour éviter leur fuite vers d’autres lieux et détourne, à cet effet, les subventions européennes. Un jour, le fax annonce la venue d’une commission bruxelloise… C’est le commencement de la fin, les fonctionnaires comprennent vite la supercherie, le bras de fer s’engage : Bouchon contre Bruxelles.

Such A Pretty Lie

Un Si joli mensonge

Un quadragénaire auteur de BD tombe amoureux d'une dermatologue. Rapidement, il lui fait part de son désir d'avoir un enfant. Sauf que Christine a menti sur son âge. Elle n'a pas 42 ans, comme elle lui a annoncé, mais 50, l'âge des bouleversements physiologiques chez une femme. Là voici empêtrée dans un mensonge dont elle se serait bien passée.

Raining Cats and Dogs

Temps de Chien !

Jean is the captain of a tourist boat on the Seine, a job that’s incompatible with his drunkenness. Divorced and unable to make ends meet, when he’s suspended from his job he fears he might lose custody of his children.

Golden Wedding

Noces d'Or

To celebrate Octave and Alix's golden wedding anniversary, friends and family are all invited to their large mansion for the weekend. But Alix has Alzheimer's and doesn’t even remember that she’s married. Worse, she shows up with her lover Farhad, a handsome Iranian who has the same condition.

The New World

Le Nouveau Monde

Lucie is 36, and after 5 years with the love of her life, she wants a child. Nothing unusual about that, except that “the love of her life” is named Marion...


Oh boy !

Niko, Berlinois presque trentenaire, éternel étudiant et rêveur incorrigible, s’apprête à vivre les vingt-quatre heures les plus tumultueuses de son existence.


La famille Zappon

Une parodie de la Télévision, servie par un casting impressionnant : les talk shows racoleurs, les nouvelles séries américaines « choc », les jeux où l’argent et l’humiliation se côtoient et bien sur les concepts de télé-réalité sont tournés en dérision.

The gospel according to Aimé

L'Evangile selon Aimé

Running away from the local Senegalese police, 30-year-old Aimé lands illegally in France. Without friends or a penny to his name, he has to rely on his natural wiliness to get by. Looking for somewhere to hide and a way to earn a little money, Aimé jumps at the opportunity to pass himself off as a priest.

The President's hat

Le chapeau de Mitterrand

It all begins one evening in November, when Daniel Mercier, a minor accountant persecuted by his boss, decides to treat himself to a "royal" seafood platter in a Parisian brasserie. And there, to his surprise, President François Mitterrand comes and sits next to him...

A Villa for two

Une Villa pour deux

After his father’s death, Daniel Tressard suggested to his mother, Marion, to come live with him for two weeks. A year has gone by and Marion is still at her son’s place where she feels just fine… But Sylvie, Daniel’s companion, cannot stand the situation any longer.

One Ferrari for two

Une Ferrari pour deux

On its route, André will takes a hitchhiker on board : Vincent Saulnier who is on its way to his daughter’s boarding school. Unemployed for three years, Vincent has hidden the situation from his daughter Olivia and his ex-wife, Edith. Dazzled by the Ferrari and eager to convince his daughter that everything is working out for him, Vincent asks André to exchange their roles.

The ideal couple

Un couple modèle

Roman and Thomas are both going through a divorce and meet each other while in court for their respective conciliation hearing. One day, Thomas just ring at Romain’s place, asking him to help out -just for the night. But the days and nights go by. As cohabitation is becoming increasingly tigh.

The two François

Les François

The meeting of two men with the same name: François. The young François is 21, just starting out on life, while François senior is retired, Two destinies, two solitary lives full of lies and regrets on a collision course of self-discovery.

Back to the roots

La Clef des champs

Fred Bonnemaison, a driven and self-centered Parisian food writer has to return to his home town, Lyon, when his mother, a lively octogenarian, runs away to join a community of free-thinking widows

A special family

Une famille pas comme les autres

Blandine, a lady from the posh part of town, is almost knocked over as she's jogging by a boy on his bike. And thus she gets to meet 10-year-old Michel-Ange, the son of a gay couple. They become firm friends. Michel-Ange finds in Blandine the grandmother he never had.

Lady in chief

Baptêmes du feu

Antoine Grand, a recent recruit to Lille’s fire brigade.However, these normally united tough guys find their world turned upside down when they are told their site has been chosen to test the feminization of the Fire Brigade.

A change of heart

Coup de coeur

Jean-Pierre is a brilliant surgeon.The problems of his nearest and dearest don't interest him! But when he discovers that he too has a serious heart disease which needs operating on, Jean-Pierre finds out what it is to be a patient.


Etat de manque

Elsa, Safia and Amandine all work for « La Providence Universelle ». One day, they decide to go for a break in a sea spa hotel. But they enventually realize that all their problems actually come from one man. That man who is making a fool of them works in the same company.

Super Lola

Super Lola

Lola Fazière is a young home nurse in a small town in the South of France. Her timidity and fear of heights disadvantage her in her daily life, yet, due to factors beyond her control, she finds herself becoming a sort of « Zorro of Provence » superheroine.

Tastes of the world

Les délices du monde

The eviction letter just brought about a general outcry among « Tastes of the world ». "Tastes of the world" is a french association aiming at gathering people by sharing cooking know-hows. Diminga, directs "Savour of the world". She suggests to counter-attack to get back to the association room.

Peter and Farid

Pierre et Farid

When you spend your life running a business, when you sacrifice entire weekends, how does your life looks like ? Pierre gave everything to his business. And he has lost everything when he got fired by the new shareholders. In Pierre’s life, everything is upside down.

Alice's kindness

La bonté d'Alice

Alice Dupré, takes on a job as a human resources assistant in a department store, it's more to please her father than herself. A combination of circumstances puts her in charge of human resources at the worst possible time, just as the store's owner decides to "streamline" operations …

Brother and sister

Frère et soeur

50-year-old lawyer Bruno Cellini is a lonely old bachelor. But his peace is suddenly disturbed when his ageing father, who dumped him 40 years ago to go and live in Polynesia, suddenly comes back into his life,

Lili David

Lili David

It's a magical job that consists of fulfilling people's every need and desire, like a modern-day fairy granting wishes, Lili David gives it her best shot



The Devilles are rich, but they become poor when Philippe, loses his job. The Riccis are poor, but they become rich thanks to Leslie, a dynamic young woman who starts up her own Internet business. The two families have nothing in common except for their honest and fair-minded banker, Frederick Merlin,

Big Jim

Big Jim

Alexander is looking for a job and for happyness... At the age of fourty, his life is not a success… until a notary announces him that his father died and that he inherits from a pork farm.

Just like home

Comme chez soi

A French family plans to swap homes with a Turkish family for the holidays. But at the last moment, the father learns he could be about to be made redundant. The two families have to live together .

My two darlings

Mes deux amours

Barbara has vanished in Corsica without a word. Hadrien sets off in search of the woman he loves. But he soon finds he is not the only person worried about Barbara's disappearance, when he meets Emmanuel, Barbara's "other lover".

The Heir


Following Virgile’s death, Numa, his faithful companion, requests the presence of John Spicher. Numa announces to him that he will not be able to acquire any land, nor any milk from Virgile’s properties, because, unbeknownst to everyone, Virgile has an heir.

When love starts with a lie

Tel épris

Antoine just lost an important position as an executive in a advertising agency. Catherine quit her job in a big publishing company. When they meet, because they both want to show off a little, they hide to each other their professional shortcomings and their money problems. The love story starts under a cloud of lies.

No more bets

Rien ne va plus

The Maurel de Ronchard family, including Gladys, their granddaughter and financial whiz-kid, are aristocrats on the wane. Although they own a beautiful domain with a castle, which still looks wonderful, they have no money left to look after it.

A family on the edge

Famille décomposée

Poor Leo Lubac was sure he had hit rock bottom. Set-up by his bosses to take the fall in an insider trading scandal, the innocent Leo returns from prison to find his life of privilege has disappeared into thin air.